4. 'The List'

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A/N - I'm currently editing this and wondering what on earth 14 year old me was doing...it's so bad, idk how any of you thought this was good HAHAHA

Anyway, I still hope you enjoy the edited version as much as the old one. Like I said, not much has changed, just spelling and grammar but still.


*Wednesday morning currently at TDA*

I'm currently sat down in the locker port, again reading my book and it was only seven o'clock so I was waiting until my classes actually started. However, there was one thing about today that seemed so important to me and that was the duet partner list. I don't know why but for some reason I was so nervous about who my partner was going to be. I never get nervous with anything to do with dance so this was bothering me a lot.

I tried to push away the thoughts but they kept coming back. A few minutes later Elliot arrived and I froze completely. I felt my face start to heat up and tried to pretend he wasn't there, in hopes that he'd just walk out and leave me be but I was wrong.

"Hey Brooklyn." He said.

I looked up and smiled at him awkwardly. "Hi." And the awkward silence was back.

I checked the time on my phone and it was almost 7:15a.m so I broke the awkward silence and closed my book.

"Well, I'm not sure about you but I have a class to get to so I'll see you later."

I stood up and walked to the door and just as I was out Elliot stopped me. I slowly turned around and there he was holding my phone.

"You forgot this." He smiled.

I smiled back. "Oh, thanks. You have a class now?" I asked.

"Yeah. I've got my break dance class first up then I have jazz. And don't ask about the jazz class, that was Paris's idea when we first started dating and-" I cut him off.

"Elliot, you don't have to explain. I know what happened between you two and-" He cut me off this time.

"Wait, how do you know that?" He asked.

"I might've eavesdropped the other day but only because I was reading and I heard yelling so I went to see what it was about but when I saw the two of you. I wanted to stay out of it but then I kinda sort of wanted to know what was happening...I'm sorry okay I shouldn't have eavesdropped but I did." I explained quickly.

"Look it's okay really, I mean we were gonna break up some time soon anyway. She just gets so controlling and I couldn't take it anymore. Plus I caught her kissing Sebastian the other day which made things worse. But hey, what can you do..."

"Huh, yeah..." I stifled a laugh, not knowing really what to say to that.

"I get it. But I still think it's actually pretty cool but I was in jazz the other day and didn't see you there." I said.

"That might be because I kinda skipped it to go to..." He paused.

"To go where?"

"Um, I uh, went to uh...You know that doesn't really matter but either way I shall be there today." He said.

"Okay.. Well then, I guess we should get to class." I said, taking my phone from his hand and turning to walk away.

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