10. Life Is Worth Living

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A/N- just a quick dedication to Peterisninja for being an awesome person & for having an awesome book so you guys should go check it out ~ It's called Broken Stone. If you like romance/bad boy/teen fiction stories then you should check it out... Anyway luv you girly😍
Oh and this one might just be a filler idk
-the song up top is 'Life Is Worth Living' by Justin Bieber...

Okay continue:
*Elliot's POV*
As soon as Brooklyn bolted out the door I immediately felt so stupid. I just lied to her face and now I probably just ruined our friendship. But I mean, yeah sure I like her but I don't know her well enough and maybe I shouldn't have been so straightforward with my answer but I broke up with Paris because well, she's Paris but I also didn't have any time for a girlfriend while I was dating her.

I thought that Brooklyn would be cool if I said no but obviously I was wrong... When she left I tried to run after her but she was already gone by the time I got downstairs. Everyone was still at my house and it was almost midnight so I wanted this night to be over. I told everyone to go home and once they left, I spent the night cleaning up before going to bed. Sunday would be more cleaning and making sure nothing is out of place and everything is spotless by the time my parents get home.

*Brooklyn's POV*
The next day, being Sunday, I woke up and unfortunately still remembered what happened last night. I got up and checked my phone for any messages or notifications and whatnot. There were only a few notifications but nothing I was hoping for and there were no messages.

I went downstairs to eat something. Damon and my dad were sitting in the living room while my mother was sitting at the kitchen table reading one of her magazines.

"Morning Brooklyn." She said as I entered the kitchen.


"Did you have a nice sleep?" She asked.

"It was alright I guess..." I lied.

I didn't get a good night sleep because I was too busy feeling sorry for myself to even think about actually going to sleep.

"Right." Was all she answered with.

I stared at her curiously for a few seconds before shaking my head and continuing to get what I came down here for... Food.

Once I'd gotten my breakfast, I went and joined Damon on the couch in the living room. Dad had left by this time but I don't know where he went.

"Hey..." I said.

"Hey you rebellious person I call my little sister. What's up?" He replied.

"Haha. Do they know about it?" I asked, hoping the answer would be no.

"Nah. I covered for you and then around ten thirty, eleven o'clock mum went upstairs and you were asleep so I guess you got home just in time. Ah, you're welcome..." He said.

"Thanks I owe you one." I told him.

"So what happened? Did you party hard? Get wasted? You know all that kinds of stuff?" Damon, my idiot of a brother asked me.

"No. I did not. I didn't even dance because there were so many people there and I knew none of them except for Elliot and Paris but Paris and I don't really get along so basically just Elliot. And it was horrible, I wish you'd never let me go..." I blamed him but it wasn't his fault.

"What!? Me? I shouldn't have let you go?" He yelled. I shushed him in case mum or dad heard.

"Shut up. Talk quieter."

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