15: Rehearsals rehearsals rehearsals...

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A/N- Hello everybody!! I'm really sorry for the long wait on this chapter but I've been busy with school and I haven't had a chance to write anything BUT! I managed to squeeze some time into writing this and here it is...

Seeing as this is chapter 15, and its getting very close to Regionals, I felt like I should move the story further along instead of dragging it out. So in saying that, I've made it one week until regionals so this chapter will be about TDA rehearsing A LOT and yes of course there will still be drama but hopefully not between Elliot and Brooklyn, I mean Ellyn (courtesy of Peterisninja for giving me the name)  is official sooooooooooo... but you never know?! HEHE :P

And finally, I just want to again say thank you so so so so so so so much for getting this story to 1K!!! It means the world to me to know that people are actually interested in reading what i write and what I've shared!! So thank you so much my fellow Wattpadders!!! I WUV YOU!!!

Also, there's been an update on the cover of this book which you've probably noticed in the time you were reading this or when you clicked on my book but I thought id tell you anyway...

So with all that rambling on out of the way, i hope you enjoy this update :D
Read away

Today is Thursday. Thursday. This means that next week, we will be at Regionals. One week away. Holy crap i cant even believe I've made it this far at TDA so I guess you could say I'm quite excited about it. The only thing I've not been excited about is the amount of rehearsal time we've had these last three weeks. Nothing's been happening except for me spending more time at the studio like everyone else, rather than in my home so its been a few busy weeks but its honestly worth it. Everything at the studio has been pretty chilled except for rehearsals and nothing interesting has really happened, except for the fact that the day after the auditions a couple of weeks ago, Elliot and I are finally together! Which i was so happy about considering the crap i put up with and him being a complete jerk to me without admitting he had feelings for me that whole time but it worked out and now we're together.

Paris is still a massive bitch to me for some unknown apparent reason. Probably because she's jealous of me because she still likes Elliot but all i did was ignore her. Sebastian and i have become really close to since he and Elliot are talking again now and since the two of us started dating. It kind of feels weird sometimes going into the studio everyday knowing that i have a boyfriend and he's also my dance partner but i honestly couldn't care less! I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm fine with everything and so is Elliot so I couldn't be more happier!

We had to be at the studio especially early today seeing as it would be a longer day than we've ever rehearsed for. There were the group dance rehearsals and duet rehearsals as well as solos to be rehearsed and polished and everything. Paris had booked the studio out for the longest time to work on her solo so Elliot and I had to cut our duet rehearsal time short because she 'needed' the space to work on her solo. I just think she wanted us out of here so she didn't have to see us working together because it wasn't her dancing with Elliot and it wasn't her getting the chance to be all over him.

I had something really nasty to say to her but i decided it was best if i kept it to myself... It would save everyone the trouble.

Once Paris finally attempted to kick us out of the studio; by chucking a massive tantrum and complaining to Alex that we wouldn't get out when it was her precious time we were wasting and Alex didn't seem the slightest bit interested, she told us to go have a break and get a drink then we could go work in studio B for a while.

I walked over to the foyer and grabbed my water bottle from my bag then sat down on a chair and took a massive drink. Elliot sat down next to me and played a game on his phone while having a drink of some energy drink.

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