3. Channeling Our Inner Nerdiness

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Since yesterday's little stumble with Elliot we haven't even looked at each other or spoken about what happened. I mean, sure I'm not bothered by the fact that I sort of made an acquaintance type thing with him but the least he could've done was said hello. I didn't see much of him at all today, not even on a break. Maybe he only comes on certain days to train or maybe he was sick.

Wait, why do I care so much?

For the next couple of days it was just basic training and strength classes and fitness and whatnot. I'll never understand why I signed up for fitness classes and strengthening classes when it's not really paying off. I mean sure I'm fit and sort of strong but I'm not going to be a weight lifter or anything so I'll never understand why I set myself up for that one...

Alexandra; our head choreographer and the one who owns TDA, called us in for a quick meeting before we left class. It was Friday today so I was glad to just home and not do anything this weekend.

"Okay guys, within the next couple of weeks there will be an audition held for our competition team to compete at Regionals in June this year. That means we need to get stuck into it fast because we only have a certain amount of time left to hand registration forms in. And seeing as it's March, that gives us not long to do so. Blake and I are looking for the strongest and the best of the best dancers who will help us bring home a win or two."

Oh cool, a competition team. I'll be auditioning for that.

"So in the next couple of weeks Blake and I will be observing all your classes and next week you will be assigned a duet partner to work with. I'll be putting up a list next Wednesday and that will show who's paired with who."

"I will explain further information over the next coming weeks but for now, go home and enjoy your weekend. I'll see you in classes on Monday."

And with that, we were let go. I got home and had a shower then ate dinner and watched tv with my family. My weekend was pretty boring really. I didn't do much except for sleep and watch tv, again.

*Monday morning*

I was actually kind of glad to be back at dance considering my weekend was boring. I never actually realised how much not having any friends to hang out with would suck. At least I had Elliot to talk to, if I even saw him today...

When I got to TDA, it was only about 7:15, and my classes didn't start until 7:45 so I had a bit of time to kill. I signed in and walked to the locker port to put my stuff away. I pulled a book out of my bag and sat on a chair. The book I am reading is called 'Looking For Alaska'. I've read it like four times but it's just such a good book.

After about five or ten minutes of reading, a few people started to turn up. I saw Sebastian and Paris but as usual Paris gave me a dirty look and Sebastian didn't even acknowledge I was sitting there...

What do they have against me? I thought.

Anyways, it was now 8:00 and I was already fifteen minutes into my first class which was obviously Ballet. Piper was helping me strengthen my ankles today because I've only been wearing my point shoes for a few years and yeah sure, my feet are used to them but I tend to feel like my ankles aren't strong enough sometimes. So we went through some ankle strengthening exercises and then at around 9:30, I went to jazz class and we were doing some tech exercises. Paris was in the same class as me and I tried to make conversation with her but she ignored me.

After jazz we had a twenty minute break so I grabbed my water bottle from my bag along with my reading book and sat on chair. I heard noises coming from Studio A, like someone or people were arguing and yelling. I put my book down and went to check it out. When I got there I saw Paris looking furious with her arms folded and had her little minions (if that's the right word to describe them) standing behind her. Then I saw Elliot standing in front of her but he looked more shocked rather than furious.

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