13. Day of the Auditions: Part One

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A/N- This one might be a long one... Idk?! Oh and there's authors note that I think you should probably read bc I have a few things to explain. They're good things but just read it please!!
Carry on😂
Today is Wednesday. That means the auditions were today. This was probably the most nervous I've ever been in my entire life, only because I wasn't sure how my solo audition would go and how the duet would turn out because Elliot and I haven't spoken since the other day, and it wasn't a good conversation.

I arrived at the specific time (it was 8:30) that we had to be at TDA and walked into the foyer. Everyone was pretty much just arriving. I put my bag down and sat on a chair. I grabbed my ballet pointè shoes out and got them ready for my solo, which I assumed was first in the auditions.

"Alright! Everybody sit down. We are going to get started shortly I just need to mark the roll. I hope you're all ready for today's auditions. We'll start by doing the female soloists first then the male soloist followed lastly by your duets that you all have been working on." Alexandra tells everyone.

She began marking the names off the audition lists and out of everyone's names that were called, the only name I didn't hear was Elliot's. I was disappointed that he wasn't here but I was also nervous that he wouldn't show up for our duet. We'd finished it but hadn't finished cleaning the choreography and that's the part I was nervous about, whether it would look appropriate. The duets were last so for now, I was going to worry about my solo audition.

"Alright, so everyone appears to be here except for Mr. West. He could be late. And we don't have time to waste waiting around for him so let's get started. Can I have the female solo auditionees please."
I'd seen so many good girls dance today that I became extremely nervous. I was up next and the girl before me was amazing. I definitely had my work cut out for me right now.

"Okay. Thank you Victoria, next up is Brooklyn."

A few people clapped and one person yelled out "Go Brooklyn!" I looked around and saw Bastian standing there giving me thumbs up. I nod at him and send him a thankful smile. I stood in my beginning pose. I decided to change my solo idea from the contemporary one to ballet because this is an audition and ballet is my area of expertise. I felt more comfortable doing a ballet routine and I wanted to stay that way.

This one was more dark and mysterious. Similar to one I did when I was younger at a competition when I'd first learned to dance on pointè shoes.

The music started and everyone and everything disappeared as I felt my body start moving to the music. I tuned out of everything and focused on the music and the choreography, taking each step carefully, extending my legs and arms each time and using all my strength and putting it into this dance.

I hit my ending pose for a few seconds as the music came to a stop. I heard loud clapping from around me and I looked around to see everyone's faces astounded.

Did I really do that good?

I bowed and walked over to my bag to grab a drink.

"Well done Brooklyn, absolutely well done. Our last female solo audition for the day is Paris."

"Brooklyn! You were amazing!" Sebastian came up to me, congratulating me.

"Thanks. Was I really that good?"

"You were amazing. I've never seen a solo like that before. Ever." He tells me.

"Wow. Thanks. I just hope it paid off. That was a last moment solo. I put it together like yesterday."

He smiled. "It was really good. You are definitely getting that spot."

"Okay! Everyone for the male soloist auditions come here." Blake yelled out.

"I gotta go do my audition now." Sebastian says.

"Good luck! You'll do amazing!" I shout. He turns around and gives me a grateful smile.

I sat down and took off my ballet shoes. Taking another sip of water, I stood up and walked over to watch the guys dance.

Some of them were just as good as the girls, some even better. Everyone I've witnessed dance today all deserves the spot but I guess it's just unfortunate that only one person out of everyone will get the spot.

Sebastian was up next and I knew he was going to do great. They way he danced, flipped, turned and jumped, it was like I was already watching a professional. Forget me being 'amazing', he was so much better. Out of everyone I'd seen so far, Bastian was by far the best and deserved the male soloist spot.

The music stopped and Bastians solo was over. Everyone clapped and some of the guys cheered for him. He ran over to me and I hugged him.

"You were awesome. So good."

"Thanks. Can I have some of that?" He pointed to my water bottle.

"Sure." I passed it to him and he practically drank the whole thing. Every last drop of it.

"Here. Thank you." He passes it back to me and walks over to stand with some of his mates.

The last of the auditions for the solos were almost done. I really expected Elliot to show up for the solo spot but he never came. Alex and Blake went into their office for a little while probably to discuss their options and choices. All I could do now was hope and pray and wait and see what happens. If I didn't get the spot, I would be disappointed but I know that someone better deserved it and it'll give me something to work on for next year.

"Alright! Blake and I have come to a decision about the spots for each solo." Alex says. Everyone gathers around awaiting the news.

Blake spoke first. "You guys, we're awesome! The guys totally rocked their auditions. I've come to a decision and the male soloist spot goes to..." He paused.

"Sebastian." I saw his face light up when he heard his name. His friends all gave him congratulatory hugs and hi-fives and whatnot. He looked over at me and I gave him a smile and thumbs up. He smiled at me and nodded.

Alex spoke next. "I don't think I've ever seen so many amazing auditions like I did today. Especially from the girls. You guys are so talented and I hate that only one of you gets the spot because you are all so talented."

"This was really tough for me. But I have come to a decision. The female soloist for Regionals this year is..." She also took a really long pause.
A/N- Whoops... Sorry cliffhanger :)

Okay! So I have a bit of things to explain! I wanted to tell you all that I won't be updating as much from this week onwards because I start back at school and because I'm in year 11, I will have a lot of studying and all this other crap to do. And me personally, I think education should come before wattpad. I love being on here and sharing my ideas with you all but I also want to do well in school!

BUT!! I will be updating every so often when I can so don't worry! This book isn't going anywhere just yet! I'll just be publishing if and when I can! OH!! And, I am happy to say that sometime soon I will be publishing another book and hopefully it will be good enough.

Anywhoo  please: Vote/Comment/Keep Reading!!!!
Until next chapter my lovelies :)

Byeeee :)

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