6. Trust

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A/N- Elliot & Brooklyn's duet is inspired by Emily & Hunter's duet from the next step lol (in the video above).

When Elliot and I got back to TDA, I had a good feeling about our duet because of what that whole hour break at the coffee shop and a walk around the town did for the both of us. I learnt things about him, good and bad and he learnt stuff about me, mostly good things but there were some embarrassing moments in there that sometimes I just have to tell people.

I felt like we had a bit of trust now and were ready to do the lift that we'd been practicing. But when we walked into studio A, everyone was in there as was Alex and Blake and they looked pissed.

"Oh good, glad you two could return to join us." Paris scowled.

"Sorry. We just took a break and went to get some coffee." I said.

Elliot whispered in my ear. "Don't apologise, she's just still pissed at me."

I nodded as the two of us stood in the back of the room. Alex started talking.

"Okay guys, I've noticed all day that most of you have been in different studios working on your duets and now you're about to showcase what you've all come up with just to get used to performing it in front of your peers at the auditions, which I assume you all will be at..."

She looked around at all of us then continued.

"Good. Anyway, so I hope you are all prepared enough and ready to show us what progress you've made."

And after a few moments, everyone got up and stood around until the first duet volunteered to go up. Once they'd finished and around three or four more duets had been, it was mine and Elliot's left, along with Paris and Sebastian. Paris volunteered for her's to go first so I guessed that I was last.

Paris and Sebastian's duet was alright but it focused more on Paris's style and her dancing rather than showing Sebastian's talents as well. I felt bad for him though because from what I've learnt about Paris, she seems bossy and controlling so he probably didn't have a choice but to let her basically take over the whole thing. That's what I like about being partners with Elliot, he listens and doesn't take over - even though I'm not the best choreographer. We listen to each other and don't try to control anything that doesn't need to be controlled.

Once they'd finished, Paris came over to me and glared. Then she whispered something in my ear.

"Good luck topping that." Then she walked off. Sebastian came over and stood next to Elliot.

Elliot seemed distant and tense from him so I spoke up and said something.

"You were great Sebastian, even though you weren't really able to show off your skills." He just gave me a small sad smile.

"Alright, our last duet for today is Elliot and the new girl Brooklyn." Alexandra said.

The new girl? I'm not that new!

We walked onto the floor and the music started playing. I liked our duet a lot so far. It was upbeat and went with the music. We didn't have much but at least we had something. I was a bit nervous about the lift but I hoped that it would go well. A few more moments into the duet and it was time for Elliot's round-off back handspring and then the lift was next.

He ran to the corner of the room while I did a little solo and then he was flipping in the air when I stopped and focused on him. He was so good and I was glad that he was my partner. Next was the lift. We did a few moves in sync and then I did a few turns away from Elliot so I could run up and be prepared to jump.

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