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Amy charged forward, swinging her hammer rapidly. "Amy! Over there!" Sonic yelled as he sped past her. "Where?!" Amy yelled and dodged a fatal blow from an incoming robot. "To your left!" Sonic shouted, as he destroyed that very robot.

He looked up and around for more robots to destroy. He was to protect Amy while she set up an explosion in Eggman's plane. Amy was racing towards a stair case that would lead to the control panel and escape pods.

Sonic spin-dashed through three robots to get to her. "Come on! We have to hurry!" He pressed and ran them up the steps to the room. He quickly slammed the door closed and pressed all his weight against the locked door.

Amy typed away on the panel and set up an explosion. "Only 1 minute, Sonic. Think you can get us out in that time?" Amy quickly realized the stupidity of her question. "Never mind, come on, we can go." Sonic jumped away from the door and squatted down so Amy could ride on his back.

"Hurry... Hurry... Hurry..." Sonic thought anxiously. As soon as Amy felt steady, Sonic ran as quickly as he could. Amy held on tightly to Sonic, she tucked her head on his neck, to protect her face from the wind. "Don't worry, Ames! We're almost out!" Sonic shouted. Amy tightened her grip as he ran faster, trying to find an easy exit.

Sonic slid as he stopped when he came to the end of the hallway. "Crap. Which way?!" Sonic thought. He and Amy could hear robots behind them. "Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap." Sonic dashed to the left hallway, but came to a dead end. Two doors were at the end of the hallway, but they were locked.

"Sonic, put me down, I'll break the wall with my hammer." Amy said and jumped off Sonic's back. "I'll keep the robots busy." Said Sonic and fought each robot that dared come near Amy.

Amy summoned her hammer and flung it into the wall. "How you doing back there, Amy?!" Sonic called as he destroyed another robot. "Fine, just focus on those robots!" Amy said and threw her hammer at the wall. "Almost there..." Amy thought, she threw the hammer once more and the wall broke.

Before she could tell Sonic, he had her in his arms, jumping out the hole in the wall. "WooHoo! We're finally out!" Amy cheered, Sonic's feet hit the ground running, he just kept running. "Sonic?" Amy asked and looked up at him. Sonic swerved when he felt far enough away. They stood on top of a hill. Within 2 seconds, the lab and the entire building exploded.

"That was a close one." Sonic states and slowly placed Amy down on the ground. "You bet, I thought we were gonna be goners." Amy giggled and stared at the burning building. "You know, I think we make a pretty good team." Sonic smiled, slightly blushing. "Yeah, me too-" Amy stopped and caught her breath. "Amy? What's wrong?" Sonic asked.

"My hammer! I left it when you picked me up!" Amy growled at herself and went to the edge of the hill. "Amy! Be careful!" Sonic scolded her. "I didn't just save you for you to get injured!" Sonic wanted to shout out.

"I'll be back in one minute, tops!" Amy yelled and ran towards the building, desperate for her hammer.

When Amy arrived, she had to use her red dress' turtle neck to cover her muzzle. She couldn't breathe through all the smoke and fumes that filled the air. "Where is it?" She thought and dug through the rubble of the destroyed lab. "I can't stand these fumes much longer..." She coughed slightly and dug for her hammer faster.

"Amy!" She looked up and saw Sonic running towards her, his arm over his mouth. "Come on, we'll get your hammer later! These fumes are poisonous, let's go!" Sonic grabbed her wrist, but she yanked it back. "I'm not leaving without my hammer!"

"Amy please! I won't be the reason you die!" Sonic grabbed Amy's hand and picked her up. Her turtleneck, fell off her muzzle. She took a deep breath, not expecting the agony the poison gave her lungs.

"Crap!" She moaned as Sonic rushed her out of the poison filled air. "Amy? Are you okay?" Sonic asked her. "I-I'm fine..." She coughed. "I just want my hammer..." Sonic rolled his eyes, "she's too stubborn!" He thought as he slowed down to a jog. "I promise I'll find your hammer, but it won't be any use if you're dead." He pointed out.

Amy coughed again and smiled. "Whatever, Blue Blur. I could haunt you when I was dead." Sonic didn't like that word, dead, he couldn't imagine Amy dead. She was a big light in his mind, she was one of the reasons he was still here.

"Well, you're not dead, so that won't be happening." He said sounding more stern than humorous. Amy laughed at him. Sonic raised an eyebrow, confused. He hadn't been making a joke. "What? Why are you laughing?" He asked her. "No reason..." Amy giggled and snuggled into his arms.

Sonic blushed lightly as his heartbeat quickened. "O-Oh... U-Uh okay then..." He stuttered bashfully. He looked down at the sleeping Amy in his arms. "She'll be okay, she'll be okay..."

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