Chapter Five - The Procedure of Hope

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(Short chapter; 500 words)

"Excuse me, Amy Rose?" Ariel walked in carrying a clipboard, she had a big grin on her face. "We have a surprise for you. We think we found out a way to get rid of your disease. The procedure is costly and there's no guarantee you'll survive, though."

"What? How?" Sonic and Amy both said at the same time. "We got some random medicine and information at the check in desks. These should cure Amy." Mrs. Ariel looked at Amy, tears in her eyes. "Amy, we're going to true to get you to live. I promised I'd help, so I'll be in there, okay?" Amy only nodded before turning to Sonic and sobbing happily.

"So... Are you ready to go? We need to start as soon as possible."

"Yeah, let's go." Amy smiled, for once since this had all started, Sonic saw hope flash within Amy's eyes. She believed she would live. "I'll go get a wheelchair and we can go." Mrs. Ariel smiled and left the room.

Sonic and Amy were left in awe and silence, but only for a few seconds. "Woo-Hoo!!" Sonic yelled and hugged Amy tightly. "Yeah! I'm going to live!" The celebration was cut short when Amy started to cough because of the excitement. "Oops... Heh... That'll go away..." She said between her coughs.

"Yeah, it'll be alright again, you'll be back to normal in no time, I promise."

"I believe you." She giggled, probably remembering their past conversations. "Sonic, I'm really sorry, for how I've acted these past few days. I thought I was going to die... Feeling like that, it wipes away all hope. I won't let that happen again. I'll keep my hope to myself, I won't let it go after this."

"Thank you. I didn't help much either, crying all the time, acting strange... not... myself. You didn't need that." It was true, He should've been stronger for her. But... they only have each other. It's hard creating more than one long lasting friendship when you're constantly battling.

"Amy and I aren't even in a friendship now. We're in a relationship now. I need to step up and get my act together." Sonic thought to himself, but when Amy looked at him, she saw into him.

"Sonic, I don't want you to hate yourself because of these past few... Gosh, I don't even know how long it's been." Amy paused to laugh lightly. She took in a deep breath then sighed, relaxing her posture. "Promise me you won't hate yourself. I know I've made you make a lot of promises, and I'm sorry, this will be the last."

"Okay, for you, and for this last promise, I promise I'll stay strong." Sonic held Amy's hand and used his thumb to rub her hand, making circles.

Mrs. Ariel walked into the room moments later with a wheelchair. "Are you ready, Amy?" She asked friendly. "As I'll ever be."

"Great, let's get going."

Hey guys! There's going to be two parts after this. A good end and a bad end, just a little FYI.

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