Aftermath (Bad End)

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•1 year later•

Sonic walked into Eggman's HQ, his dark blue fur bristled and his teeth gritted. "Finally... He's come out of hiding. I can get my revenge." Sonic stared at the necklace he wore on his neck. It was Amy's necklace. He clutched the necklace and took in a deep breath. "Don't worry, Ames. Your death will be revenged soon. You'll be able to rest peacefully."

He still remembered how much hatred, anger, sadness, and pain burned inside him when the doctor's had said they had lost her. "It was their fault! It was Eggman's fault! It was everyone's fault! Amy deserved so much more..."

Sonic looked around the corridors and listened for a sound, any sound at all. He remembered the sound of robots clanking down the halls, the sound of their metal limbs ripping off or getting destroyed. It filled him with nostalgia.

That day when they destroyed the lab, it all rushed to him. How he threatened robots, running with Amy, worrying over and over if they'd live this time, worrying if she would survive.

It only fed his anger.

He was as silent as the night now. He wanted Eggman's death to be as much a surprise and quiet as Amy's was. His eyes scanned the ceiling, searching for air ducts. "It'll be safer and easier to hide up there. He'll never see me coming."

Slowly Sonic jumped up into an open air duct. He crept silently within the tight space. Nothing could detect him. It were as if he was invisible.

Eventually, he found Eggman in the basement. He clutched an old rusty gun in his hands. He was in the corner, where he felt safe, but he just made Sonic's job easier.

"That poor fool. Does he honestly think he can kill me?"

"I-I know you're here!" Eggman shouted. "It's not my fault Amy died! Please... Please don't kill me..."

"He's begging? How pathetic. He's so weak and old now, this shouldn't take long."

Sonic dropped from the ceiling in front of Eggman. He kicked the gun out of his hand and held Eggman by his neck. "Your death will be as slow and torturous as hers. You did kill her. You knew the antidote. YOU KNEW IT! Admit it!"

"Y-Yes... I-I did know-"

"You killed her!"

Sonic threw Eggman against the wall multiple times, eventually, the sound of his skull creaking was silenced. Sonic stared at Eggmans busted head. He was panting, as blood filled the floor and dripped from the walls.

"Finally... It's all done..." Sonic took a short moment to recollect himself. He raced out of the building to get clean air.

Only then did it hit him. He had nothing else to do with his life now. His life goal was complete, what's to be next for him? He couldn't imagine going back to a simple life. He knew he'd hurt innocent if he dared try. He would have to live in solitude for the rest of his life.

"No. Not again. I won't be alone again." Sonic ran back into the building and grabbed Eggmans body. "It's the only way we can be reunited..."

As promised before, Sonic hung him above the town and did the unspeakable he promised. When he landed he purposefully ran straight towards a police officer. His gun was loaded, and the shot was fired at Sonic.

He hadn't attempted to move or even block the bullet. He wanted to die. He felt the bullet pierce his body. He fell to the ground. The last thing he saw was his own blood filling up the streets.

Bad End.

The Good End is next! Stay tuned!

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