Chapter Four - Search For the Cure

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•Warning this chapter has slight mature content. 13+, Read at your own risk•

Amy laid in her bed staring at the ceiling, now that Sonic was gone she couldn't sleep. Doctors came and went as they pleased, only a few would talk to her, but only few a few short minutes. Amy felt alone and lost without someone by her side. She hadn't smiled since Sonic had left her quarantined area. She blocked out some of her feelings, but occasionally, just to feel something, she'd start crying.

The doctors stopped trying to comfort her, it was a useless effort. Amy refused to be helped. All she wanted was Sonic, and he might not be back for awhile. So, Amy stayed there in her bed. Crying, and begging to see Sonic before she'd leave this world.

Sonic was back at where this all started, Eggmans' lab. He was carrying Amy's hammer over his shoulder; he had found it on accident and figured he should carry it. He knew the toxins that had been in the air that day had done something to her. He just needed the cure. But he had no idea where or what to look for.

His mind was being tortured. He wanted to run back to Amy and hug her, tell her he loved her, and make all this disappear. But he knew that couldn't happen. No matter how much he wished, prayed, or begged. He was psychologically lost.

Sonic continued looking around the rubble. As he did, he cut his glove and hand on a sharp piece of metal. He gritted his teeth in pain and cursed. "How am I gonna find this damn cure?!" Sonic hissed. "I'm not making any progress!" He looked at the cut on his hand. It burned. He removed his ripped glove and tied it around his damaged hand.

Sonic looked up from his hand. The land was foggy and some of the ruins from Eggman's lab still stood tall. "None of this would've happened if Eggman hadn't made that stupid lab!"

Sonic gasped at that thought. "Eggman, if I can find him I can make him give me a cure!"

"I just have to find him..."

Back with Amy, she was having yet another dose of shots. "Are these hurting you?" A nurse asked her. Amy shook her head. "No..." She said weakly, her voice scratchy. "Not anymore." She added with a frown. "Oh, sorry Miss. How would you rate your pain?"


"Why 7? What's hurting?"

"Because 10 was when I knew I was dying, 9 was the first round of shots, and 8 is when I was left alone. 7 is the best estimate of my pain."

The nurse grew silent as he pulled out the syringe. "I'm terribly sorry you feel this way." Was all he said then he left her quarantined area.

Amy couldn't flip to her side without pulling out plugs they put in her arms. The blood bag would come out most likely, as well. Amy wasn't sure whether that would be bad or not. Sonic then popped into her mind. She decided that dying right now wasn't worth it.

She stared at the ceiling with emotionless eyes. "When is Sonic coming back? No one else is here. No one cares." Amy closed her eyes and did the only thing she could.


In Amy's dream, she was running beside Sonic. She felt free and better than before. Sonic scooped her up and kissed her face. "I love you, Ames." Sonic said and kissed her neck. Amy giggled at him and rubbed their noses together.

•13+ area•

The scene changed around her, next thing she knew she was lying in Sonic's bed. "S-Sonic?" Amy yawned and set up, she held covers above her bare chest. "Hmm?" Sonic sat up as well and blinked his eyes. He had no shirt on. Amy was surprised by his own muscular upper body. His eyes focused quickly and he smiled and wrapped his arms around Amy's waist. "Sonic, I love you..." Amy said and kissed him longingly. Soon, they were passionately kissing each other. "Ames... I love you so much." Sonic gasped between breathes. "Love you more." Amy said back. They rested their foreheads against each other, staring into each other's eyes, panting for breath. They didn't care about the covers anymore.

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