Aftermath (Good End)

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6 months later•

"Oh my God, Sonic, you're such a riot!" Amy laughed at his terrible joke. "What do you call a polar bear who wants ice cream?" Sonic continued with little confidence in his joke. "A... Uh... Actually I don't know... I guess this situation is unBEARable!" Amy leaned back laughing at his pun. "Oh my God, it's so bad it's funny!"

"Amy Rose, your last treatment is ready." Said a male nurse, not bothering to come in the room. "Oh, o-okay! I-I'll roll myself out!" Amy called cheerfully. Sonic stared at her, taking in how lucky they were that the first procedure worked. When they brought her out of that room; Sonic saw the doctor's grim faces. They said it would be a miracle if she lived through the night, but that they'd tried everything.

The next morning, Amy was up and well. She didn't have much of an appetite back then, yet now she can't seem to stop eating food. Even the disgusting hospital food they serve.

Now she's still very weak, but she wasn't contagious anymore. Her color was coming back; the only problem they had was her night-sickness. This last procedure should clear everything up, then she can go home.

"Coming Sonic? Or do you want to wait there?" Amy asked him. "I'm coming, Ames, I was just thinking."

"About what?"


Amy giggled as Sonic pushed her wheelchair into the hallway. "I love you, Ames." She leaned her head back in the chair and closed her eyes. "I know."

"Do you think I'll make it? They say each treatment could kill me. I'd hate to... to make it all this way and-"

"Ames, what did we agree on? 6 months back, what did we say?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know why I always think like that before these procedures. I just don't want... I don't want us to lose each other."

"We won't."

"I know, but... I-I..."

"Hey, Ames, my fear of losing roses is a thorny issue. I'm not sure what it stems from, but it seems likely I'll be stuck with it."

Amy paused, taking in, by far, the worst pun in the world. "Gosh, was it that bad?" He chuckled at her, but mostly at himself. He was nervous, he was scared he'd lose her. Making jokes was the best way to past time.

If he kept her laughing, she wouldn't think about the possibility of dying. He wanted her happy. Sonic couldn't bare it if she died without a smile, or a happy thought. If she died scared he wouldn't be able to function.

Amy's loud whistle brought Sonic back from his thoughts. "Are you okay? You were like... on the moon." She said, her tone worried. "I'm fine, I promise. Looks like we're there." Sonic said and stopped in the waiting room.

Almost 5 minutes later, they called Amy's name. "I'll see you soon, Ames. I won't move from this spot." Sonic smiled and kissed her. He squeezed her hand, not wanting to let her go. "It's only going to be an hour or two." Amy giggled at him. He was reluctant and he couldn't stop kissing her. "I'm sorry... I'm just... scared. You're gonna come back, right?" Amy nodded at Sonic's question. "Thank you, you know I love you?"

"Yea, I-I gotta go now." Amy gave Sonic a quick kiss on the lips then wheeled herself to the nurse who had called out her name. Sonic waved goodbye to her with a fake smile. He blew her a quick kiss; she caught the kiss and planted it on her cheek. "Love you, Sonic, see you soon!" Amy called as the doors closed behind her.

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