Chapter 1 - Pain

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Sonic had dropped Amy off at her house. She was slowly laid in her bed and Sonic laid down next to her just for a few seconds. She was asleep, he could afford to rest here for a few minor seconds. However, he just felt so warm here. In less than two minutes he was sound asleep on Amy's bed.

•Sometime During the Night•

"It's so hot..." Amy moaned in her sleep and tried to kicked the blankets off of her. Only to figure out that the blankets weren't even on her. She opened her eyes and saw Sonic clinging on top of her. He had his arm wrapped around her waist and back, paralyzingly her. Even if she tried to move, Sonic squeezed her tighter and growled.

Amy laughed even though she felt like she was suffocating. "Sonic..." Amy whispered into his ear. Sonic's brow furrowed, giving him a concerned look. "Sonic, wake up." Amy whispered once more. Sonic brought his entire body into a ball and hissed as he squeezed Amy.

"Mmm... My Amy... D-Don't touch her..." Sonic growled. "How am I gonna wake him up?" Amy thought and slowly nudged Sonic. "Sonic. Wake up. I've made chili-dogs." Amy said, matching his tone. Sonic blinked repeatedly until he realized what he was doing.

"O-Oh! I-I'm sorry, Amy! I didn't mean to- uh... I just laid down so I could rest! I didn't mean t-to-" While Sonic stumbled over words, Amy laughed and giggled. Sonic's face grew redder with each word. He wanted to shut himself up, but he couldn't stop his mouth. "I-I-I swear! I didn't m-mean to just l-lay down a-and-"

"Sonic, it's okay, chill." Amy giggled and slid off her bed. "It wasn't on purpose, so I can't be mad." She told him. "But I can be..." Sonic thought to himself as he rubbed his arm,trying his best to avoid eye contact.

"Look, it's still dark out." Amy pointed out and looked at the window. Sonic squinted his eyes. "Yup." He yawned, stretching out his legs and arms. "I guess I should get home. See ya, Ames. Sleep well-"

"Wait!" Sonic halted, not expecting her reluctance for him to leave. "You can stay. I mean, I won't tell anybody. I just..." Amy's eyes trailed to the ground. "Nevermind, you can go." She smiled and blushed up at him. She coughed slightly and shook her head. "Where's that come from? Must be catching a cold..." She thought, but immediately dismissed it.

Sonic sat back down on her bed, also dismissing the random cough. "I can stay here... I-If you really want me to." Amy remained silent, hoping for him to add more. "Well, I just don't want you to get hurt. You know... Eggman could find out or something. I-I just don't want you to..." Amy crawled over to him and held his hand.

"It's okay, Sonic. I promise nothing will happen." Sonic shook his head in disapproval. "You can't promise something like that, Amy." He shakily said. "Well, I promise that I'll try to keep my other promise." She said and rolled up to her knees. Sonic chuckled at her response. "Sometimes, you're so stubborn." Amy nodded her head, agreeing fully with him. "I wonder where I got that from."

Sonic smiled at her, he felt closer to Amy than he ever had before. He just wanted to kiss her right then and there. "Amy could've gotten hurt today. I remember the feeling of how much I was scared for her. I would do anything for Amy. Anything."

"Even though it's still rather dark, wanna go and eat breakfast?" Amy asked me with a smile. "Sure, why not? Where we going?" He asked her. "Here. I'm making you breakfast. Call it... my way of thanking you for today." Sonic's face blushed a bright red as she giggled and stepped out of her room.

Before heading to the kitchen, Amy went to the bathroom. She searched her drawers for cold and cough medicine. She took two pills of each and took her temperature. "98.8" Amy read the thermometer in her head. She felt hot, but dismissed the feeling and headed to the kitchen.

Soon, Sonic was in her kitchen, devouring the sweet baking and cooking of Amy Rose. She always put an extra flavor in his food. He wasn't sure what it was, but he knew he loved it. Not only because of the taste, but because he knew Amy worked hard on all her meals. It was never a simple sandwich or chips, nothing normal. It was always extravagant and exotic.

"This is so good! You have to tell me the recipe!" Sonic exclaimed as he gobbled down the last bite. "Glad you enjoy my food, Sonic." Amy giggled at him. He held his plate in his hands, gesturing for more. Amy laughed more and made him another plate.

All of a sudden, as Amy handed Sonic his plate, her hand shook. It looked like it was beginning to spaz. She took off running down the hall. Sonic, worried about Amy, ran after her. Of course, he took a bite of her food before leaving.

"Ames? Are you okay?" Sonic asked and knocked on the bathroom door. "Y-Yeah." Was all Amy replied with. However, if Sonic could see her, he'd see that she was far from 'okay'.

"Okay then, I'll just go back and-"

"Wait! S-Sonic, a-are you still there?" Amy coughed and moaned. "Yeah, I'm here, Ames. What's wrong?" Sonic asked her, trying to keep his voice calm and collected.

"Pl-Please call 911..." She coughed as the door handle shook. The door opened to reveal a horrific sight. Amy had been coughing up blood, along with throwing up, her skin was pale white, and her once jade eyes were turning lighter by the second. She was sweating and her fur was wet.

"Amy?! What happened?" Amy collapsed in front of him, too weak to stand. "Ames?!" Sonic caught her and looked around the house desperately for a phone. "Don't worry, Ames. I'll save you!" Sonic repeated to her over and over. His heart was racing. He was too concerned with finding the phone to think about why or how this had happened. "Just hold on, Ames! D-Don't die on me!"

Amy was slipping in and out of consciousness. Every time she opened her eyes, everything was a blur. Her voice was so quiet and sickly that Sonic couldn't even hear her calling his name.

Eventually, Sonic found the phone and called 911. "H-Hello?! Please come and help! M-My friend needs help right now!" Sonic yelled into the phone. "Calm down, Sir. Please, what are her symptoms?"

"Sh-Sh-She was throwing up, coughing up blood, she's pale, her eyes are getting lighter, and she's hot to the touch. Pl-Please... I-I don't know what to do, you have to help!"

Sonic held Amy tightly in his arms. He stroked her quills as a few tears fell down his cheek. "Sh-She can't be dying..." Sonic told himself, he was shaking now.

"An ambulance is on the way, you may calm down now." Sonic dropped the phone, not wanting to hear the sound of the voice anymore. The ambulance was on its way, now he could focus on Amy.

"Ames? Are you still here?" Sonic pushed her quills out of her face and stared at her in worry. "A-Ames? Y-You can't do this, not now! H-How did this even happen?!" Sonic was shaking with fear, he brought his ear to her chest. Her heartbeat was slow, he could barely pick it up.

"N-No... Ames, come on! Th-They're coming! Please! J-Just hang on!"

The sound of the ambulance echoed in the distance.

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