Chapter Three - Quarantined

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Amy woke up in a white room. There were people in large yellow suits hovering over her. They dispersed when they saw her open her eyes. "No need to fear, Amy." Came a familiar voice. Amy blinked and sat up from the table. "O-Ow..." Amy groaned and went back down, shaking violently on the bed. "Calm down, let me explain everything."

Amy looked at the person in the suit, she could barely make out their face, but she thought it had been her doctor. "We're giving you some new medicine. It should reduce the pain. Now we need you to-"

"Wh-Where am I? Where's S-Sonic?" She coughed, still shaking aggressively. "You're in quarantine, we aren't sure what you have or how it's spread, this is for the best." Amy coughed more. "A-And... Sonic?"

"He's getting papers and shots so he can have the authority to come back here." The nurse explained, trying to calm Amy down as much as possible. Amy moaned in response. "Amy, I need you to rate your pain, 1-10."

"Ten! Ten! I-I just want it to be over!" Amy cried out in pain. "Make it stop! J-Just make it all stop!" She screamed, each word sounding weak and pitiful. "We're trying our best." The doctor said and tried to soothe her patient. Amy flinched and whimpered in the bed. "Do you remember my name?" The doctor suddenly asked.

"N-No..." Amy quivered. "My name's Ariel, okay? I'm going to help you through this." Before she could say anything else, there came a blue flash, mixed with yellow and orange, into the room. Next thing Amy knew, Sonic was by her side, squeezing her hand. The suit he wore, made him look less like the Sonic she knew. "Ames? Are you okay? I heard you scream." He said worriedly, his voice filled with anxiety.

"S-Sonic? I-I hurt..." Amy moaned. "I-I know, Ames, I'll make you better, I promise." Sonic said and put his hand by her face, cupping her cheek. "Shhh... I'll take care of you..." He cooed into her ear soothingly. Amy let out shaky, pitiful, painful breaths as Sonic stroked her hair.

"You're supposed to be curing her!" Sonic shouted angrily at the doctor. Ariel glared at Sonic. "So I had been", she said with an attitude. Sonic growled lowly back at her. Then, he turned back to Amy, his expression changed, his eyes filled with kindness and worry.

Mrs. Ariel dusted herself off and walked out of the room. A few moments later she came back to take a blood test. Sonic growled when he saw Amy's blood fill up the syringe. "It's okay, she's not in pain. She can't even fill it."

"How do you know?" Sonic gritted his teeth angrily. "If she was in pain, she would've woken up and screamed." Mrs. Ariel gritted back at him. Sonic gripped the blankets to stop himself from causing a fight. Mrs. Ariel left with the sample after that.

Few long, agonizing minutes later, Amy was up again. She kept her eyes closed as Sonic spoke to her. "Are you feeling better?" He whispered to her. Amy nodded, "just a little." Sonic stroked her hair and smiled at her. Silence overtook the room. Sonic stared at her as she fought to stay awake.

"Sonic", Amy said, breaking the silence. "Hmm? What is it?" He asked her. "Do you remember when we were younger? We had been walking by a funeral... You started to say you didn't understand how people could be sad. That eventually they'd meet again, so why be sad? Do you remember what I said?"

Sonic thought back to that day, it had been years ago, he vaguely remembered walking down past the funeral. He couldn't remember what she had said. "No, I can't, I'm sorry."

"I said... "They don't want to wait. What if I was taken away? Somewhere you couldn't go? You would have no idea who had taken me or where I had went." Sonic stared at Amy, why was she telling him this? This had happened years ago. When they were 13 and 15, why bring this up now? "Amy... why are you telling me this?"

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