Chapter Two - Doctor's Aren't Always Right

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Sonic paced back and forth worriedly in the waiting room. His hands were wet from his nervous sweating. His mind felt empty, only one question kept haunting him. "How did this happen?" He had swore he'd protect her, what did he do wrong?

The hospital was quiet and the empty hallways paranoid Sonic. He hated hospitals, he knew Amy didn't favor hospitals either. She just usually seemed to ignore the negatives. However, Sonic couldn't do that, not this time.

He wanted to know what was happening to Amy. He looked left and right worriedly, hoping to see a doctor walk by. Sadly, he wasn't that lucky. "I need to know what the hell is happening!" Sonic growled and clutched his fists.

"Excuse me, Sir? May I help you with something?" Sonic looked up to see a nurse looking at him with concerned eyes. "Yes, actually, I brought my girl- my friend that's a girl here today. She's been here for three hours! I need to know what's happening!" Sonic complained.

"Don't worry, who's the patient?" The nurse walked to a nurses station and got on the computer. "Her name is Amy Rose. She's pink, jade green eyes, she's around 16 years old right now."

"And one of the most prettiest girls you'll ever see." Sonic added to himself, his face blushing now. "Dear God, i-if something happens to her..." Sonic felt his eyes water, he shut his eyes and wiped away tears. "Amy Rose, okay I see her, she's..." The nurse grew quiet. "She's? She's what? What's happening to my Amy?!" Sonic demanded, causing stares from other nurses.

"Sir, please calm down-" said a male nurse.

"No! I need to know if she's okay! I-I'll never leave her side again..." Sonic slunk to the floor and put his head in his hands.

The male and female nurse both gave each other a sympathetic look. "Sir, your... friend is in a serious condition right now. She's in good hands, don't worry." Said the female in a calm voice. "Yeah, she'll come out of this alright." The male added. "I-I just want to see her..."

"I can check to see when the doctors think she'll be ready for visitors." The female nurse smiled down at him. "But, from my guess, you'll have to wait a few more hours." Sonic didn't care, he begged her to find out.

A few short minutes later, the female nurse came back. "Just one hour before you can see her. The doctors want to be sure she's stable." Sonic growled and nodded, "fine." He said with slight annoyance.

The time went by slowly as well as agonizing. When it was exactly one hour later, Sonic got called in to see Amy. He walked around the corridors, hurriedly to her room.

"There it is. She-She's okay. She has to be..." Sonic thought and wiped away some tears that had escaped his eyes. He took in a deep breath and opened the door.

Sonic peeked behind the door and gasped at what he saw. Amy was hooked up to a heart monitor, she had a blood bag, and had other wires going into her body. Amy's eyes were closed, it looked as if she was sleeping. He had to take a moment before entering the room.

"My poor Ames... I'm so sorry... If only I could've..." Sonic's body shuddered as he stared at Amy. He looked at her hand that was resting by her side. He took in a shaky breath then reached for her hand. He held it in his own hands, grasping hers, as if he thought they'd disappear.

"S-Sonic?" Came a weak moan. "Hey Amy... H-How are you?" He smiled at her. "I could be better." She said, trying to laugh, she opened and shut her eyes frequently. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" Sonic asked her worriedly, his eyes full of concern. "No... Not at all. I was just...having a nap." She said, her eyes closing once again.

"Ames, I-I..." Amy opened one eye and looked at him. She chuckled at what she saw. His face was red and his hands were shaking. She felt him squeeze her hands. "What? What's so funny?"

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