Chapter 18

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CALUM THE ASIAN(I know he's not Asian) P.O.V
I woke up again with a slap on my face I look in the mirror to sere a bruise on my cheek started to form. Mali comes in and gives me a sympathetic look but walks her perky ass away. I started getting dressed in a muscle tee and black skinny jeans with a bandanna. I got some makeup from Mali and covered the purple bruise that's starting to form already. I got in my car and started driving to school aka hell. I saw Dylan then started walking away from him because I heard he cheated in Kylie for the 5th time. AND I WAS DONE WITH IT.! I finally went to lunch I was gonna sit with Kian and JC and some new guy I'm gonna meet.
I go down the hall to see a short guy with red cheeks and to see kian and JC sucking each others faces off. I yell "GET A FUCKING ROOM JIAN" they look at me and blush they look like tomatoes. I see the new guy come to me and stick out his hand saying "I'm Sam" I say "hi I'm CALUM in gay and love ninja turtles" he smiles and say okay cool. we went to lunch and saw Dylan he looked at me with a sympathetic look i give him a glare and then he turns away then he turns his head back to me to see the popular kids behinds such as kian, jc, and sam glaring at him he had a surprised look on his face then he turns back to his douche friends. I go and get the gross ass food and look for a place to sit I see a table and see a lunch table that Michael, Ava, Angie, Ashton, and Luke. I got and ask "can we sit with you guys?" They reply to me "sure". Me, Jc, Kian, and Sam sit down and then it suddenly becomes all quiet then Ava speaks up and says " wanna play a game?.". Everybody says yes so she say how about 21 questions I ask the first question "sexuality?"
AVA ANSWER- straight
KYLIE ANSWER- straight
SAM ANSWER- straight
It was time for my turn I say "I'm gay" everyone looks at me with shocked faces but kian, Jc, Sam they look at me with smiles.
I hated this question It was my turn now I say quietly "I'm gay" Ava then said "can u speak louder please"
I say louder "I'm gay" . Calum looks at me with a smile I smile back at him while biting my lip ring. Then I see someone's shadow come right behind me but I can't see who it is. Calum looks at he person behind me but I keep my head down not saying anything. Ava looks at the person behind me then says "leave". Im finally fed up with this shit I look behind me to see him.

CLUB OF TROUBLES FT JIAN, CAKEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt