Chapter 19

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I turn around to see him the look of him put a sour taste in my mouth. "Well hello Luke, Kylie, Ava, mute Michael, Ashton, sam, JC, and well Calum backstabbing hood.
"Hello Dylan what the hell do you want" I say to him
He looks at me with a hateful look on his face with an angry voice "my best friend back you all took him you even took Kylie away"
"Listen here buddy Kylie left you
because you are a jerk that cheats on people after the first week of the relationship and Calum left you because you are the worst friend and the worst person he has EVER seen so how about you back the fuck off before I kick your ass out of here" I had no idea where that boost of confidence came from but I was proud of myself.
He then leaves with some brunette girl that's looking at him in surprise. Kylie looks at that girl then starts sobbing Ashton looks over at her then runs to her and hugs her while she is crying her eyes out he starts whispering in her ear sweet sayings. She finally calms down but Ashton decided to sit next to her. Ava looks at Kylie then says "who is that girl"
Kylie looks at Ava and says
"Andrea russet she was my old best friend we stopped being friends because she slept with Dylan 3 times"
Calum says
"Actually 4 times"
Kylie looks at like him like really.
"Sorry he kept bragging about it so I stopped being friends with the manwhore"
Kylie starts giggling and then says
"That's a funny word"
Then Ashton starts giggling he's so whipped its cute.
Then we heard the school bell ring saying go to class.

It's finally 7th period the last period before the meeting. Today everybody voluntarily can speak the things that are happening to themselves that they need help with and I want to talk my outcast problems and bullying problems. My knee is bouncing up and down while I'm looking at the clock it finally reaches the 12 I jump up from my seat grabbing my backpack then running out the door. I finally reach the math class that's in the other building without seeing Dylan. I go inside the class to see Calum I start blushing because I like Calum but I can't well shouldn't like him. Even though he's gay he wouldn't go for an outcast like me. He deserves someone like Sam. I walk to the seat that's the farthest from Calum. Calum starts staring at me from afar I turn my head to Calum and then his eyes turn to the board as soon as I start looking into his dark chocolate brown eyes. Ashton comes walking in with some guy that looks around our age but really skinny he has dark circles around his eyes I look at him and immediately notice his vibrant green eyes. Ashton looks at us then says "hey guys this is Connor he is joining the club"
I hen say "hey I'm Luke"
Then Calum speaks up "hey I'm Calum hood"
Connor smiles at him and hen sits in the chair next to Ashton. I then ask Ashton a question "so when are you gonna ask Kylie out we all know that she likes you and you like her"
Ashton looks at me in surprise and then blushes madly.
"I'm planning on asking her out today at the meeting"
"Awe young love"
As soon as I say that Michael, Kylie,
And Ava come in and then their eyes trail to Connor. Connor looks down then Ashton speaks up saying
"This is Connor he wants to join the club can he?" As he says that he's putting a pouty face on.
Kylie speaks up as soon as she sees his face "yes". He smiles at her and hen his dimples pop out. She looks at Connor and then says. "Hey I'm Kylie". He smiles at her to and then says "hi im Connor"
Ava was next "hey I'm Ava"
"I'm Connor"
Michael was next he got out his notepad and wrote "Im Michael I'm mute so write on this notepad" "hey I'm Connor". We get the meeting started and Ava says "hey remember we have to do the problems thing anyone want to volunteer.
Connor raises his hand and so does me Ashton and Kylie. Ava calls in Connor so he could come up.
"I starve myself and when I do eat I throw it all up, I was in a car crash and my sister died and I blamed myself for that". Ava looks at him sympathetically then Luke gets up and says "I have a song that represents my problems can I sing it?" Ava nods and then I get my guitar and the lyrics and start singing
Rejects by 5sos

Back at school they all thought I was an outcast, car crash
"A hopeless fool", they said to me
And my girlfriend said I messed up, will I ever grow up?
In the end, I'm not gonna

What was I thinking?
Everyone sees it
It's not a secret
That I'm just a reject
Sick of the system
Don't wanna hear it
It's not a secret
That I'm just a reject

I'm just a reject

My teacher said I was mentally disabled, so unstable
So I'd stay in bed all day
Save your breath, you can talk at me, but I'm not listening
If this is a test, then I'm probably failing

What was I thinking?
Everyone sees it
It's not a secret
That I'm just a reject
Sick of the system
Don't wanna hear it
It's not a secret
That I'm just a reject

They try to save me, but I'm too far gone
And they call me crazy so I played along
And you wanna change me, but I'm on my own

La da da da da, la da da da duh [2x]

What was I thinking?
Everyone sees it
It's not a secret
That I'm just a reject
Sick of the system
Don't wanna hear it
It's not a secret
That I'm just a reject

I'm just a reject [2x]
After I finished everyone started clapping for me. Ashton comes up And says "Im bullied because of me being smart my twin brother died from a tragic snow car crash I survived but he didn't I dealed with it the wrong way so did my mom she never helped me so I did something I thought I'd never do I cut myself my wrist I hated all the features about myself my dimples, hair, eyes everything"
He sat down Kylie looking at him s
With sad eyes he does a reassuring smile at her she looks calm then gets up and starts saying "I was bullied a long time ago and was beaten very badly I went to the hospital and after that experience I started having these panicky times called panic attacks and anxiety attacks I go hot I start hyperventilating and can't breath and then someone has to calm me down but I always have to do it myself because no one can really do it right" then she sits down and Ava says "he meetings now officially per go home" Ashton looks at Kylie then says "can I talk to you" she nods and then they leave I look at Calum he looks sad I go over to him and say "hi" he looks up at me "hey Lukas"
"Shut up Calvin" he starts laughing at me then hits me on the shoulder. I bravely ask him " wanna go on a date with me"
He looks at me with happy eyes I look at him with a smile "of course I will"
"Olive garden tomorrow ill pick you up around 8:00"
"Cool by Lukas"
"Bye Calvin".
I look at Angie while she looks at me I need to ask her out so after he meeting I take her out side and ask her the big question "will you go on a date with me" she looks at me with a grin then says.

CLUB OF TROUBLES FT JIAN, CAKEWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt