Chapter 19: Until the End of Time

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Lauren's POV:
I haven't heard from Justin in two weeks, it's like he disappeared. Chaz and Ryan have said they've seen him so he's clearly avoiding me.
It makes no sense because that night was amazing.

I cooed him trying to calm him down, it was like my touch could control how he felt. Within seconds his breathing started to become normal and the tears became less and less. I've never seen him so vulnerable. It was like he was melting in my arms.
After a few more minutes of holding him he sat up to look at me. He grabbed my face and looked me straight in the eye and told me "I love you Lauren, more than anything in the world. You are my rock, my one and only, until the end of time." I smiled back at him and finally admitted it to not only him but myself and without any hesitation said "I love you too Justin, until the end of time"

That night we laid in bed just laying in each others arms, never wanting to let go. The next morning I woke up and he was gone, and now I'm here, still haven't heard from him in two weeks.

I was sitting in Calculus with Allie and our friend Abby, we weren't paying any attention because this class causes too much stress. I was telling them about the football game Friday saying it was the section finals and we had to go when a light knock came from the door.
We all looked up and there he stood, Justin, he had bruises and gashes that look like they just healed. I gasped out of shock and everyone turned to look at me, I put my head in my hands in embarrassment but I noticed a shy smile from Justin which put me at ease. He sat in his seat and continued with class.

After class I rushed to him and gave him a huge hug which caused him to groan in pain, I jumped back not wanting to hurt him anymore but he quickly grabbed me again and pulled me back in not caring how he felt.

"I've missed you." He whispered to me.
"Oh you have no idea how lonely I've been without you, where have you been?" I asked pulling away from him.

He scratched the back of his head and bit his lip. "I-uh- I was visiting my dad."

"How did you get all those bruises?" I asked

He anxiously laughed, "Nothing really, just slipped on the kitchen floor." But I knew he was lying, but I could tell he didn't want to talk about it so I let it go, for now.

He drove me home from school and walked me to the door.
He kissed my forehead and hugged me goodbye. "I love you Lauren, until the end of time."
"I love you too Justin, until the end of time." I was happy that was our little thing.

With that, he left he said he had a lot of homework but promised we would hang out tomorrow. He called me that night to tell me he loved me again and go into detail on how much he missed me.

This is so crazy how the person I used to hate could make me this happy.
Ok guys!! I'm back and trying to update more hope you all enjoy this chapter!! It's one of my favorites:)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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