Chapter Three

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You woke up just as the bright sun shone in your eyes. You squinted and looked up. Al was pushing you lightly.

"Wake up, sleepy head!" He said and grabbed your suitcases.

You, Ed and Al just arrived at Central station. It was probably around 8:30 in the morning. You ran your fingers through your hair, and thankfully, it wasn't messed up or tangled.

"You wake Ed up, I'll wait for you guys outside." Al said while getting up and in line to get off.

Ed was leaned against the window, and his golden hair was in his face. He looked so peaceful, that you didn't even want to wake him up.

You pushed his hair out of his face and smiled.

You had to admit, he really was cute when he was sleeping.

Then his eyes started to open.

You madly blushed and backed away from him, and acted like nothing happened.

"Time to go." You said to Edward as he rubbed his head. You really hoped that he didn't see you blush.

But you were still wearing his cloak.

Dang it, you thought. Why do I keep thinking about his cloak? It doesn't even matter!

You then stopped walking off the train. You took your arms out of the sleeves, folded it neatly and handed it to him.

"Here." You said and looked away.

He looked startled at first, because you looked back so sudden. But he looked away and took it out of your hands.

"Thanks," He murmured.

You slightly smiled and walked off the train.

Al sat at a bench with both of your suitcases in hand.

"Well, first we're off to see Roy."

"Roy?" You questioned.

"Yeah," Ed replied from behind you.

"Roy Mustang, the Flame Alchemist."


You were in a huge building. Loads of men in uniforms scurried around, talking quietly, carrying papers and guns on their backs. You stayed close to Ed for protection, just in case.

As you walked down the halls trying to find Roy's office, you noticed the decor. It was plain. The floors were green and the walls were plainly white. Lots of doors, which probably led to offices or small work spaces, were brown with golden three digit numbers on them.

"We're almost there, (Y/N)." Ed stated simply. He sounded a little bored, and you could tell. We were walking for a long time.

Then, Ed opened a door. You didn't have time to read the number on it. He opened the door for you and Al, and he went in last.

A man was sitting at a wide, brown desk with books and papers stacked on one side. The man had dark black hair and pierced eyes as black as the night. He wore the usual military uniform, and you couldn't see his feet because he was sitting down. He had his hands together, which were covered by white gloves with a red transmutation circle printed on them.

"Ah, welcome Fullmetal. Still haven't found the stone?" He said in a sarcastic voice.

You thought he was being rude.

Ed rolled his eyes. "That's not what I'm here for, Colonel. I'm here to tell you that there's another recruit for State Alchemist testing."

Roy cocked his head and looked at you.

"Her?" He slightly smiled, but not in a good way.

Ed got angry. "Yes, her! Who else?!"

Roy stopped smiling and put on a serious look.

"What is your name?"

You replied without hesitation. "(Y/N) (L/N), sir."

"And is it true that you're applying for a State Alchemist?"

"Yes sir."

He sighed.

"Alright, we'll put you on the list. Good luck to you."

Ed gave him an angry look before slamming his office door.

The last look on Roy's face that you saw was him smiling, Not with his teeth, but he looked surprised. You would be, too. Trying out to be a State Alchemist at your age? And being a girl, at that matter?

"Edward, Alphonse."

They both looked at you before we started walking.

"Do you think I'll be able to pull it off?"

"(Y/N), of course. What you did at the train station was amazing. I'm pretty sure you can do it. Al and I both have confidence in you."

You smiled and continued walking with Ed and Al.

You loved them like your own brothers.

You just hoped that they thought of you as a sister.

All of you walked out of building and headed towards the library. While there, you checked out a few books about alchemy and how to use it properly. To you, it was just a review. You knew lots of things about alchemy, and you learned quicker than most people.

At the hotel that you and the boys were staying at, you read very thoroughly, studying every exact detail.

It was night. You were in your comfortable (color) pajamas with your (H/C) hair in a messy bun. While reading the third book you checked out, relaxing in your room on your bed, Edward walks in.

You smile, closing the book, remembering what page you were at. "What's up?"

He slightly smiles back. "Nothing much, just checking on ya. How's your studying going?"

You noticed he was holding a white mug. "Oh, and Al made you some tea."

Ed wasn't wearing his cloak. He walked over to you with the mug in his hands and carefully handed it to you. You took a sip of it as the taste exploded in your mouth. Hot green tea was your favorite.

"Tell Al I said thanks. And my studies are going good. This is kinda a review for me, nothing really new so far."

You knew that Ed transmuted by clapping his hands.

"Hey Ed, I did have a question, though. You transmute by clapping your hands. For State Alchemists, it's probably hard drawing a transmutation circle every time they go into battle. Especially while fighting numerous enemies. Is there anyway I can wear a transmutation circle? I noticed that Roy wears two, one on each glove... but, back at the train station, I carved a transmutation circle into my skin. Do you think I can make that.. permanent?"

Ed looked curious.

"Putting a transmutation circle on your hand is a smart idea, but if your enemy finds out that you have one on your hand, it won't be good. You'll have to wear gloves. Gloves won't do anything but hide it, and you'll still be able to transmute. You're gonna have to make the circle on your hand a scar, only if you're up for it."

You looked nervous.

"I'll do it. I'll just study more techniques tomorrow. I'm tired, anyways."

You got up and handed Edward the empty mug.

"Don't forget to tell Al I said thanks for the tea," You called out before he left.

"Alright. Goodnight... (Y/N)."

And with that, he was gone. The room was silent now. You crawled back to bed and got under the soft covers. You turned the lamp off and curled up.

Tomorrow is a new day, you thought. A new day for studying and being with your favorite people in the world.

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