Chapter Eighteen

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(A/N: This is not the special chapter! That will be the next chapter after this. Meaning you can still comment your idea for the special chapter! I'm so happy. We hit 12k! I can't wait to write the special chapter. So far, one idea has caught my eye, but if anyone else has an idea, please comment. I'll pick the winning idea next chapter. ALSO, if you have any questions for me, please ask them! I'm also doing a Q and A. Okay, thank you guys so much. You have no idea how much this means to me <3

Alright, enjoy the chapter!)

You didn't sleep well that night. You were so worried, your little heart couldn't take it. You woke up early that morning, around 5:30, and checked outside to see if Alphonse and Cameron were okay. Even though you would have heard if something had happened, you just felt something off. Like another person was there, besides them.

You got up from the bed, your eyes still heavy, despite not being able to sleep. You walked down the stairs this time, being careful not to rush. Ed wasn't there to catch you this time. 

You opened the door quietly, careful not to wake Winry or Granny up. Walking outside, you felt the cool morning breeze as the dew tickled your bare feet. You rubbed your eyes, looking for your companions. Alphonse was standing in the driveway, with Cameron sitting down. You couldn't tell if Cameron was asleep or not. 

You walked over to them, becoming a little chilly. The rocks hurt your feet, but you managed to get to Alphonse. 

"We need to leave soon. I don't want Winry or Granny in danger.."

Alphonse looked at you and nodded. "I agree. I don't want them involved in our business, especially with Scar. I'm worried."

You looked over at Cameron, who was beside Alphonse. His eyes were closed.

"Lets wake up Cameron and Edward. We'll have Winry put his arm back on and then leave. Cameron called military services to come down and investigate the area around here, so we can leave quickly and try not to be followed, since he'll  be hiding or getting out of the area."

You nodded your head, looking at the streams of pink and orange, dashing into the sky, as the moon said goodbye.

You sat down, waiting for the sun to rise. You just loved sunrises. It was one of your favorite things.

Just a few months ago, you had reunited with Ed and Al. It felt like just yesterday, you were running across the big fields of Resembool, playing tag and hide and seek. It seemed like just yesterday you heard Ed's chilling scream for help.

You hated memories, even the good ones. Well, the good ones were alright. But with every good memory, a sad one is always brought to mind. You just can't help it. Your mind doesn't work the way you want it to.

Your smile faded a little bit. You wanted to stay here forever, with Ed and Al and Winry and Granny. And even Cameron. You wanted to live happily here, in this house, with all of them. But you knew it couldn't happen. There was too much going on. Homunculi, Scar, assassins.. they were all going after you.

The sun peaked over the horizon, waking you up from your thoughts. You looked up at Al, pushing your hair out of your face. "I'll go wake up Ed and Winry. We'll have to explain our situation and why we have to leave so early, but you're better at that than I am. I'll be back," I said, the dew on the grass drying a little bit. You got a splinter in your foot as you walked on the porch and into the house, but you didn't mind it.

Walking up the stairs, you quietly went to Ed's room first. Winry was not a morning person, and you knew from experience, so it'd be best to wake her up last. You opened the door, but you didn't shut it back. Instead, you stared at the shirtless Edward, layed across his bed in a weird way. with his hair down.

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