Chapter Five

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You woke up the next morning around 9:30. It was cold. You didn't smell anything good to eat. You didn't hear any sound, only the light tatter on the window of the rain outside. It's like the rooms were dead. You didn't have any socks on, so your feet were cold. Not even the warm blankets could change that. Your nightgown didn't help either. You got up, moving your hand, opening the wound and cringing in pain.

Deal with it, you told yourself. This is want you want. To become a State Alchemist. You can do it.

Out of all days, why did it rain today? It's not that you liked the rain, but rain made you sleepy, so you liked to sleep to the sound of rain. It made you relax. But today, you had to focus, not take a nap! Today is the big day, the big alchemist exam.

But, you felt different. You didn't even want to get up out of bed. You wondered if Ed was still asleep.

Surely Al was up doing something.

You stepped on the cold floor, got chill bumps, and walked toward the door. 

You noticed it was too quiet.

Which, you thought, was okay at first, but then it didn't seem normal.

You opened the door and looked around. All you heard was the rain. From the windows, the sky was gray and cloudy. It wasn't raining hard, thankfully. Just a light, peaceful rain shower.

Ah, how you loved rain. It brought back so many memories from when you were a kid.

You, Ed and Al would stay inside playing hide and go seek, or practicing alchemy. You were a great hider. You started to remember something else. When no one could find you, they both gave up and got upset because you wouldn't come out. They would bribe you with food, but you wanted to prove you were better than that.

Those were the good old days. You smiled and went back to looking.

You decided to check the kitchen. You looked around, and didn't see anything. There was only a piece of paper taped to the table.


You grabbed the paper and read it.

"Dear (Y/N),

Al and I went to Central. Something urgent came up. We'll be back in two hours! (And we'll bring you something to eat!!)


You sighed.

No wonder it was so quiet.

Why didn't he just wake you up? You could have went with them.

All the rain was making you want to take a shower.

You went to the bathroom and used some fancy shampoo that you haven't used in a long time. Although your hair looked clean almost all the time, the fancy shampoo brought out it's beautiful (color of hair) natural color.

You got dressed into a black long sleeved dress, black leggings, and black boots. You liked wearing black on rainy days. You blow dried your hair and left it down today.

In the bathroom, you found a case of makeup. Finding that was pretty odd, but you realized that you weren't the only ones that ever stayed here. People come and go, and rent the hotel, of course. Maybe a lady left it here. You remember putting on makeup when you were younger, trying to impress Ed and Al, but you never got the courage to wear it in front of them.

You sighed.

Rain brings back too many memories.

"Take my heart... anything! Just give him back, he's all I have left!"

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