Part 13: Atlast

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There was so many things attached to me, so many medical noises and people rushing around everywhere, when they rolled me into the hospital I saw my family in there waiting, apparently they had been called immediately and rushed down here all of them, they were crying and when they saw me they looked horrified but they wouldn't let them visit me just yet.

They operated on me and asked me questions and gave me many shots and X-rays and pills. After what seemed like hours I fell asleep and when I awoke in my room there was balloons and cards and candies and my family.

When they saw me wake they cried with joy and hugged me. So many questions they asked and gave me so much food and told me what had been happening. I was so happy I was alive and well.

I was so happy I didn't die. No Matter how bad things get it gets better I thought. I was so stupid and angry when I almost died. My mom told me the police captured and arrested the man, Mark Swedlion who was 20 years old.

No One knows why he kidnapped me but they think it's because he was angry after losing his daughter to a drunk driver when she was only 1 year old, I actually felt bad for him, but not for long.

My friends and family visited me everyday until I was released and got to go home. They never found out who was in my casket because when they went to dig it up it was open, and empty.

Thanks to everyone who read, I have another book coming out soon and a sequel to this one!

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