Welcome To Jurassic World

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Hadleigh's POV

"Hadleigh, let's go!" I hear my mom scream from outside waiting by the car for me while I finish grabbing my last bag. I walk out of the door putting my suite cases in the car. "Ready," I tell her with a smile and hopping into the car.

We arrive to the airport, mom and I both carrying my bags. "Do you have everything?" She questions looking longingly at me with sad eyes, "ticket, VIP passes for the park, everything else you need," She rambles on, holding me by my shoulders. "Yes mom," I sigh as she pulls me into a hug, "I have everything, and if not, Uncle Owen can help me out," I pull away from the hug, not trying to miss my flight.

"Flight 290 to Isla Nublar is now boarding," I hear a women's voice speak over the intercom, "Mom I have to go," I tell her grabbing the rest of my things, "Okay, I'll tell your father that you said goodbye," She tells me with a sad smile on her face. I look turn around to look at her, "stay safe and have fun," She continues her motherly rambling, "and if anything chases you, run," She teases.

I hug her one last time before walking to my where my flight boards, handing the flight attendant my ticket before boarding the plane. I find my seat and sit down with my carry-on in my hand, pulling out my laptop and headphones to watch a movie.

This is going to be a long flight.

*Arriving to Isla Nublar*

I get off the plane and see a ton of people waiting to board the boat that is suppose to take us to Jurassic World. I walk over to the boat waiting in line with the rest of the people to get on board. I get on the boat finding a place to stand near a railing. I feel someone's stare on me, looking up I see a boy around my age with a little boy standing next to him staring straight at me. I smile and give a shy little wave, noticing him move away from the little boy. I frown at that and turn away from the dark haired boy, looking straight a head of me.

The boat pulls up and I see a big sign that says Jurassic World. I get all giddy, excited to finally see Uncle Owen. I exit the boat, looking around for Uncle Owen. I'm walking backwards when I feel my back bump into someones chest. I gasp turning around to see the same boy that was staring at me on the boat, "I am so sorry,"  I say bending down to pick up his phone that dropped when we collided. "Nah," He brushes it off grabbing his phone that I was offering him back, "it's totally fine, I'm Zach" He continues as he gazes at me, offering me his hand to shake.

I shake his hand feeling a spark when our hands collided. I quickly pull my hand back with a heated blush rising to my cheeks. Zach notices this and smirks at me, "So, whose this?" I question while looking at the little boy that witnessed our moment.

"This is my little brother Gray," Zach sighs with a small frown on his face, "Hi Gray," I say with a smile bending down a little to be his height, "are you looking forward for today?" I question him with a small smile holding my hand out to shake.

He shakes my hand looking at me with a beaming smile on his face. "Our Aunt Claire works here," he says with his still hyper attitude, "Really? So does my Uncle," I tell him with a smile gazing at his adorable puppy dog face.

"What does you're Uncle do?" Zach questions putting his phone in his pocket, "He trains the raptors," I say watching Gray's face, noticing his eyes and smile light up with excitement. "No way, that's so cool!" Gray excitedly screams as we started to walk towards the entrance to get on the bus or train like thing. I notice a women with dark brown almost black hair dressed in professional clothing with heals holding up a sign that said Zach and Gray Mitchell. "Um I think she's waiting for you," I point out noticing the impatient look on her face.

"Where's Aunt Claire?" I hear Gray question walking up to the lady before heading to the bus type thing taking us to Jurassic World. We find some seats, the lady whose name I found out to be Zara sitting next to me, whit Zach and Gray sitting in front of us. I hear some lady speaking over the intercom about seeing the original Jurassic Park entrance, before I see Gray dash up to the front of the bus to get a better view. We arrive, getting off and walking to the entrance seeing Gray running up ahead of us to the escalator.

Isla Nublar- Zach Mitchell ✔️Where stories live. Discover now