Old Jurassic Park

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*Author's Note* Some of the scenes are not from the movie. You have been warned.

Hadleigh's POV

Zach, Gray and I are running through the forest when Gray stops and picks up a hat with a big scratch going through it. Zach walks up behind him and snatches the hat from him looking at it, before tossing it to the ground looking around for any dinosaur. I look ahead of me and see an four wheeler. "Look," I tell them pointing to the four wheeler making Zach look up putting an arm out in front of Gray and I. "Stay here," He warns walking over to the four wheeler. Gray and I don't listen as we follow him to the bike.

Zach spots an old looking door and starts walking to it. Gray takes a hold of his arm, trying to stay as close to him as possible, while I grip his hand with him entwining our fingers together as we walk up the steps opening the door.

"Wow," I hear Zach whisper after the doors finally opened. We walk in as see all these vines and trees with a lot of dirt on the ground. I walk around and spot a big dinosaur bone. "Look," I tell the boys, picking it up in my hand, seeing Zach bend down looking at some type of banner. He picks it up shaking the dirt off before turning to Gray, "You still got those matches," He asks Gray.

Gray looks in his fanny pack before taking out his matches handing them to Zach, "Here you go," He mumbles as Zach strikes a match while I wrap the banner around the old dinosaur bone as Zach sets the banner on fire. We walk around the old place, I am limping. We walk pass a painting of a raptor on the wall, Zach walks pass while rubbing his hand over it before him and I walk a little more. I notice Gray isn't with us, "Gray," I call out, hearing his gasp before catching up to us.

We walk into a room with all these flash lights and some old jeeps. "1992 Jeep Wrangler Sahara, Sand Beige," Gray states smartly. Zach give him this look, "You remember when we fixed up grandpas old Malibu right?" He questions his little brother, "Yeah," Gray says finally understanding what he was thinking.

They start to fix the engine of the old jeep while I sit on the hood of the other old jeep, lifting my hand to the back of my shoulder and neck trying to get the pieces of glass out. "Ouch," I hiss as I grab a piece of the glass and pull it out of my skin, feeling it sting. Zach looks over at me seeing me struggling a little. Walking over he put his hands on my waist gripping it and moving me so my back is facing him a little bit.

I gasp feeling the same sparks I have been feeling all day. "Let me help," I hear him whisper, feeling his breath tickle my ear as he places his hands on my neck, moving my hair to the other side of where the glass is stuck at. I see Gray leave the room with a smile on his face. I feel Zach move from my neck to my shoulder, "Your neck is done," He informs me while pulling a piece of glass out of my shoulder, "Thanks," I hiss out at the sudden pain. I wait patiently for him to be done. "Okay done," He tells me moving his hands to grip my waist and make me face him, my spread a part on either side of his torso as he stand in between my legs. "Thank you," I whisper with a blush rising to my cheeks at the intimate position.

"Your welcome," He says taking his pointer finger and thumb, lifting my chin up so our eyes are locked on each others. "You've basically been a hero today," I tell her placing my hands on his shoulders as his are placed on each of my thighs. "Hadleigh," "Zach I," Both Zach and I say at the same time, "You go first," he tells me with a laugh.

"Um b-basically I just wanted to do something, in case we don't make it out of here alive, and I never get the chan--," my rambling if cut off by Zach placing his lips on mine. I let out a breath into the kiss, loving the way his plump lips overlap mine. I wrap my arms around his neck letting my fingers rake through the ends of his hair as he moves his hands to grip my waist pulling me closer to his hips.

I feel Zach's tongue run across my bottom lip, asking for entrance, letting him in, I feel the warmth of his tongue touching mine making me moan into the kiss. I could feel Zach's fingers dig into the skin that my shirt wasn't covering. I could feel our kiss heat up more, feeling Zach jerk his hips up to mine. I moan and pull away from the kiss, "Oh god," I whimper as he thrust his hips again hitting mine perfectly.

"Zach," I pant his name trying to get his attention from his powerful thrusts, "Zach," I repeat finally getting his attention, "We need to stop, this is not the time or the place," I tell him as he slowly pulls away, "Plus Gray is here somewhere...and we're not dating," I tell him sadly, basking in the thought of us being together as a couple making a smile appear on my face.

"You're right," He tells me pulling my hips away from his a little bit, looking me intensely in the eyes, "be my girlfriend," he blurts out making me gasps and pull away a little, trying to make sure I hear him correctly.

"What," I gasp out feeling giddy inside, "If there is one last thing I want to do, if we don't make it out, I want to die knowing that you were my girlfriend," He tells me sincerely, "Please," he whispers placing his forehead on mine while gazing into my eyes with this longing look. I don't even have to think of an answer, I know what I want. And I want Zach. I shake my head yes a smile making it's way on to both of our faces, "Yes," I whisper making him laugh loudly before placing a swift kiss to my lips, not even giving me time to respond before he pulled away.

"You just made me the happiest man alive," He tells me and he grips my hips lifting me off the car and placing me back on the ground. I go to respond but I am interrupted by Gray walking back in, "I'm back," He tells us as we pull away from each other, "I got the car battery from the four wheeler," He tells us as he sets it on top of the jeep. "Good job little man," I tell him as I pat his head, "Nice going bro," Zach says clapping him on his shoulder, "Let's finish this thing," Zach says as him and Gray finish fixing up the car, while I stand to the side.

"Alright, turn it over," Zach says to Gray who is sitting in the drivers seat in the jeep, as he finishes tightening the last bolt. Gray turns the key in the ignition, as Zach and I cheer when we hear the jeep come to life. "It works," Gray says while moving to the back seat as Zach shuts the hood of the jeep climbing in to the drivers side with me in the passenger.

"I thought you failed your drivers test," Gray states from the back seat as we all put our seat belts on, "Nah, only the driving part," Zach says with a big smile making me gasps, "What?!" I scream as he starts driving.

Well shit, this isn't good I think to myself.

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