New Alpha Now

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Hadleigh's POV

We pull up to Aquatic Park, hearing Claire shut the engine off to the truck. Zach jumps out of the truck, Gray getting down with the help of him, me after him, feeling Zach's hands on my waist as he helps me down. I see Uncle Owen there with his gun in a shooting stance, looking around for any signs of danger.

"Come on, come on, Zach, Hadleigh, Gray," Claire says ushering us forward to follow Uncle Owen, "Keep moving," I hear Claire say as we run into the Innovation center. "Control room, that way," Claire points as Zach, Gray and I zoom past her and Uncle Owen. "They evacuated the lab," Claire gasps out as we all look around the empty lab.

We walk inside the lab, Zach, Gray, Uncle Owen and I going over to look at their experiments. I look over and see Claire looking at a two headed snake. I grimace seeing all of these mutant creatures that the lab created.

We hear a noise and we look over to see men putting what looks like test tube into a portable freezer, "What are you doing?" Claire asks them, all of us wanting to know what they're taking. "I'm afraid that's above your pay grade," Hoskins says as he walks in, I move to stand in front of Zach, feeling his chest press against my back and his arms wrap tight against my waist.

"Where's Henry?" Claire questions, her tone sounding mad, "Dr. Wu, he works for us," Hoskins says, walking closer to us. I watch him as he moves, seeing Gray peek around Uncle Owen, doing the same thing, "Is that a real dinosaur," Gray asks as he glanced at the computer with an outline of some type of dinosaur, "No, it ain't kid," Hoskins answers as he glances at the computer screen, "but somebody has to make sure that this company has a future," He continues, turning to look at all of us.

"Imagine," Hoskins says as he walks a little closer to us, "that one, a fraction of the size, deadly, intelligent, able to hide from the most advance military technology, a living weapon, unlike anything we've ever seen," He continues as he walks a little closer, as we move a few steps back, "millions of years of evolution...what'd we learn," He asks as he now stands in front of Uncle Owen, "nature is the gift--," He gets cut off by a raptor jumping into the room.

"Oh shit!" Hoskins yells as I move closer to Zach, feeling him wrap his arms tight around me, trying to keep me as close to him as possible. "Easy, easy," Hoskins says as the raptor closes in on him, not even noticing us, "easy boy, easy," Hoskins says almost crying as he backs up into a glass door, now having no where to turn.

"Hey, hey we-we're on the same side,right, right?" Hoksins pants out as the raptor cocks it's head at him, "easy, easy, i'm on your side," Hoskins repeats sticking his hand out closer to the raptors face, letting it sniff his hand. Bad idea dude I think to myself just as the raptor snaps it's jaw on his forearm and hand making me hide my face in Zach's chest so I wouldn't have to see the messy sight in front of me.

"Ahhhhhhhh," I hear Hoskins scream as the raptor tears his arm apart. We take this as our chance to leave, running away from the raptor. Zach and Gray turn to the right about to run before Claire stops them, "No, no boys this way," she says to them, guiding them in the right direction. We start running when all of a sudden a raptor jumps through the glass to the left of us, landing right in front of us making us stop and turn around to run the opposite way.

Zach takes my hand, pulling me with him so I can keep up with their running because of my sprained ankle that I am now starting to feel pain in. The raptor gets up and starts running after us. We pass the Holoscape  which is a device that pops up different holograms of the dinosaurs, seeing Gray press one, hoping that it will distract the raptor.

We get outside and start running, but come to a stop when we see Blue jump in front of us. I turn around and see the doors open, with another raptor coming behind us. "Uh guys, there's one behind us," I tell them quietly making Gray turn and look over his shoulder as everyone continues to stare at Blue before whipping around to face the other raptor. I hear a hiss and we all look to our left, besides Uncle Owen who is still looking at Blue. "That's how it is huh?" Uncle Owen questions the raptors as they growl, "Easy, easy," Uncle Owen breaths out while reaching for the camera contraption around Blue's head.

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