T-Rex and Mosasaurus

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Hadleigh's POV

We leave the raptors exhibit and start walking back to the main area. We pass a petting zoo type attraction when Gray starts jumping up and down to try and see over all of the people there. "Pick me up, I can't see," He tells Zach still jumping up and down, "I'm not dad," Zach tells him walking next to me as we pass Gray, "and you're not five," he continue walking, passing Zara on the way.

"I can still ride the triceratops, I'm fourty seven and a half inches," He tells Zach smartly jumping to stand on a riser to take pictures. "This place is for little kids,"  Zach tells him looking around the place, "Yeah, I know," Gray says continuing to take more pictures, "want to go on the spinning dinosaur rides?" he continues making me burst into a fit of giggles at his eagerness.

"Nope," Zach says popping the 'p' turning to his little brother, "cover up your dork pouch," he tells him tugging a little on his fanny pack.  "No Alex is not having a bachelor party, cause all of his friends are animals," I hear Zara say into her phone, too busy to even notice if we were gone. Zach looks at me with a devious look on his face, "Scatter," He tells Gray and I pushing us a little bit. "Run, go go go," he continues pushing Gray,  grabbing my hand and dragging me along with him to keep up with his fast pace.

Zach and I stop walking, watching Gray run around taking pictures of everything he is seeing. "The next T-Rex feeding will be in 10 minutes," a women's voice says over the intercom, "A T-Rex, come on guys," Gray says turning to face me and his older brother, "parents beware, this showing may be disturbing for smaller children," the women's voice continues as we walk through the gate to see the T-Rex.

We get to the T-Rex feeding, hearing the T-Rex roar, exciting everybody here. I hear the goat make some noise when a flare is dropped by it. Thundering stomps is all I heard making all the kids go crazy, and Gray jump up and down to see. "Eat it, eat it," I hear little kids chant making me laugh.

Gray pushes himself through the crowd to the front just in time to see the T-Rex bend down to eat the goat. I grimace as I hear the crunch of the goats bones. My thoughts are interrupted by Zach's phone ringing. He looks at the caller before picking it up turning his back towards me, trying to drown out the screams of excitement. "Hey mom," I hear him say before I can't hear him talking anymore.  

After the T-Rex feeding, we head over to the Mosasaurus show. "The Mosasaurus was thought to have hunted near the surface of the water, praying on anything it could sink it's teeth into, including turtles, large fish, and even smaller Mosasaurus," A lady with a microphone hooked to her ear says standing on a ledge type thing. Zach is texting on his phone to the right of me while Gray is on my left. "Okay folks, let's see if she's still hungry after already eating today," she says as they mechanically move a shark up high in the air.

"She's a little shy, so be nice and give her a hand when she comes out," I hear the lady continues to say as I hear Gray try to get Zach's attention. I look next to me at Zach to see him looking at a text from a blonde girl. "Girlfriend?" I question with a half smile, a weird feeling in my stomach, "Yeah," he sighs looking up from his phone, "well was," he says locking his phone and putting it in his pocket, "she just broke up with me," he tells me looking me in the eyes.

"Really?" I say feeling a little bad for him, but the little voice in my head telling me that I didn't feel a little bad. "You don't seem very upset," I continue as I observe his face. "I guess I lost feelings for her and have some for someone else," He tells me looking me directly in the eyes with a smirk. I blush and look away to finish the rest of the show.

The Mosasaurus jumps out of the water snapping it's jaw around the shark, pulling down and flapping back into the water soaking everyone with water. "Oh my god that was awesome," Gray says happily shoving my shoulder playfully, making me laugh. I turn to Zach to see a big smile on his face, finally enjoying the trip. I feel the seats start to move down when the women's voice comes back on the microphone, "Hold on tight while we give you an even closer look at our Mosasaurus," she says as we are lowered to a window, seeing the Mosasaurus devour the shark underwater. Zach, Gray and I start clapping, "It has 88 teeth," Gray informs Zach and I as we slowly stop clapping, "Yeah, do you wanna see something else cool?" Zach questions with a small smile, "Yeah," "Sure," Gray and I reply at the same time.

Well, that was fun I think to myself, before my thoughts are consumed by Zach. Oh boy, do I have it bad.

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