What Will She Say?

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As Zen walked through the palace garden looking for his favourite pharmacist, he just couldn't ignore the pit that was now growing in his stomach.

"It's okay. It's just like any other day" Zen assured himself as he kept looking for the red haired girl he loved.

Just then, Zen caught a glimpse of something red inside the greenhouse. Hoping it's who he was looking for, Zen rushed to the greenhouse and peered inside.

Sure enough. There she was, humming while she worked. Zen couldn't help it. He smiled to himself remembering the first time he heard her sing. She was so embarrassed, but he never understood why, she was such a beautiful singer.

Zen stepped in "Shirayuki" he called, but she didn't answer. "Shirayuki!" He called a little louder. Still nothing.

Slightly annoyed that the pharmacist hadn't noticed him. He walked towards her and once he got close enough he wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her.

Shirayuki jumped and even squeaked slightly, but feeling this familiar touch, she immediately calmed down. She turned herself around in the arms that were holding her and came face to face with her prince. Zen Wistaria.

"Zen, you startled me!" Shirayuki said as she smiled at him. Zen felt his heart skip a beat. "Well you weren't answering me when I called, so I had to think of something" the Prince said smiling Shirayuki's favourite smile.

Zen let go of Shirayuki and instead took her hand in his. "How long do you have before your shift is over?" He asked her.

Shirayuki looked at the clock that hung just above the greenhouse. "I have about 20 more minutes" she said looking back at Zen.

Zen nodded and sat down then leaned against the greenhouse wall. "Mind if I keep you company for awhile then?" He asked. Shirayuki smiled and nodded. "Of course"


Zen watched as Shirayuki locked up the greenhouse, she had just finished her shift and now they had time to be together.

"So did you have something to talk to me about Zen?" Shirayuki asked. Zen looked at her for a moment then his face went very serious. "Oh yea. Um, come with me Shirayuki." He said taking one of her hands and pulling her along with him.

Shirayuki looked at the back of his head as he pulled her along. What was up with Zen's sudden mood change. Did she do something wrong?

Zen lead her to the private courtyard that they met a lot in after work hours. He sat Shirayuki down and gave her a serious look.

Shirayuki felt unsettled. What was going on? And why was he being so serious.

Zen took a deep breath and looked down at Shirayuki. He didn't know if he could do this. What would she say to this?

Zen looked at Shirayuki. He loved this girl with all his heart. He knew that, and he hoped she knew as well.

Shirayuki thought he heart would stop beating when Zen kneeled down. He wasn't gonna do what she thought he was gonna do. Was he?

"Shirayuki." Zen started. "We've known each other for a few years now, and I can honestly say I have never loved anyone the way I love you. I love hearing your voice, I love your laugh, and I love how you say my name." He took a breath.

Then he started again. "I have already told you that you mean everything to me, but lately, I feel that that's not enough for how much I love you."

Zen went to take something out of his pocket. Shirayuki gasped at his sudden movement, and she stopped breathing when he pulled out a small red velvet box.

"Shirayuki. I know that I'm a prince, but I feel like when I'm with you, I can be myself, Zen. Not Prince Zen or Izana's brother. You make me feel like my own person."

Zen opened the box to reveal a silver ring, with a diamond in the middle surrounded by 2 small emeralds on the sides. Shirayuki gasped once more as she put her hands over her mouth.

"Shirayuki. Will you marry me? Will you do me the honour of being my wife?

The red haired girl couldn't hold back anymore. She started to cry. Even so, she gave her hand to Zen. "Y-yes... Zen.." She said between sobs.

Zen released a breath he didn't know he's been holding. He took her hand and slid the ring on her finger. "Shirayuki..... Thank you."

Zen stood up and pulled Shirayuki up with him. He wiped her tears away carefully. Then he put his hand on her cheek, and leaned in. Shirayuki did the same.

"I love you, Shirayuki." Zen said to his princess.

"Zen... I love you too" Shirayuki said as another tear rolled down her face.

Then, his lips touched hers, and they both felt like a fire had ignited within them. Zen deepened their kiss, pulling his bride closer to him.

Shirayuki answered Zen with a passion matching his own.

Then once they both needed air. They released. They intertwined their fingers together, and Zen let Shirayuki rest her head on his shoulder, and they both watch the sun set together. Hand in hand.


Hey guys! So OMG what did you think?! This is one of my favourite OTPs and I loved writing this!

This is not a one-shot! There is more to come so be excited!

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