The Conclusion to Battle

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Zen stood tall and sturdy, blade held in front of him. Simon took a step forward and laughed. "This is great! I can finally get a worthy rematch from last time."

Zen responded by lunging forward, clashing swords with Simon again and again. "Remember Zen? By the cliff 5 years ago?" Zen didn't respond but he did know that night... and he remembered it quite well.

Simon had been one of Zen's friends, he was the son of one of the guards and every now and then they'd practice together. Simon always had a point to prove when it came down to sword fighting, he always had to be the best so he wouldn't disappoint his old man.

One day they were practicing in the woods, Simon had hidden in the trees and jumped down to surprise the young second prince. But Zen had dove out of the way by a sliver, and the blade didn't hit him, it was close though, tore his sparring shirt open. Unfortunately when Simon had jumped out of the tree, he didn't take into account how far away the edge off the cliff was.... and he fell.

"SIMON!!!" Zen had screamed as he tried to grab his hand, but their fingers barely brushed each other before Zen watched him fall down and dissappear in the river below. It had left Zen feeling very guilty... but overtime he'd learned to shoulder it, until now.

Zen had pushed Simon back into a corner. He was panting and clearly looked tired. Zen saw him pull something from his pocket and he threw it at him. The shiny object was a throwing knife. He moved out of its line of fire. But as he did Simon shot forwards, barreling himself into Zen and both dropping their swords. "Agh...!" Zen choked out as he felt Simon digging his shoulder into the wound his friend Rymer had made with his bow.

Simon raised his fist and punched Zen's face, the prince fell back and Simon went to crawl on top of him, but he rolled out of the way and grabbed his arm, twisting it behind him.

"ZEN!!" he heard 3 voices calling out to him. His head turned slightly and relief washed through him when he saw Shirayuki with Mitsuhide and Kiki. "I'll take him from you, master." He turned to his left and saw Obi.

"Zen... your majesty... if only we were born different people. Maybe things could've been different." Simon sighed. Zen froze for a moment. He'd heard those words before.... from another old friend. "Simon... if it hadn't been for that unfortunate misstep, you probably cihkdnt beaten me that day... but now I guess we'll never know." He stared back at Simon motionless until Obi took him away.

"Zen?" The herbalist called out, but the prince was still stuck in his gaze. Shirayuki gave a worried look towards Mitsuhide, and he nodded. The aid took Shirayuki's hand and gently supported her as she made her way to the dazed second prince. "Zen..." Shirayuki said again softly as she walked towards him with Mitsuhide as her support. Zen blinked out of his thoughts and looked towards Shirayuki.

A smile graced his face.

He reached out to her and took her gently from Mitsuhide, who he nodded to in thanks. He wrapped one of his arms around her waist and brushed his fingers across her cheek as he looked at her. "Are you okay?" He asked as he inspected her face for any sign of injury 9nce absinthe, she shook her head and smiled at him. Zen smiled back and then his hand reached around the back of her head and he pulled her into his chest.

She gripped the back of his cape softly and her lip quivered slightly. "I'm sorry I caused everyone so much trouble." She said softly, her voice sounded shaky. Zen pulled her closer and shook his head. "It wasn't your fault Shirayuki." It took her a few moments. But she nodded in response. Zen released her and then leaned down and lifted her off her feet. She wrapped her arms around his neck for support.

"Zen... your injury!" Shirayuki tried to protest, but Zen only shook his head. "You can look at it once we get back to the castle." He said before he started walking. Kiki went to with Obi to take care of the intruders and turn them in, and Mitsuhide walked silently behind the prince.


As soon as Zen stepped foot in the castle, Garrack was called to look at his wound, and Mitsuhide took Shirayuki back to her and Zen's room. Her ankle was taken care of and she waited for Zen to return while she read books on herbs to pass time.

Eventually she heard the door open and Zen came inside. "Is your wound taken care of?" Shirayuki's asked. Zen smiled in response and nodded. "I was scolded for getting such a wound, but yes. It was taken care of... the uh... the meds they gave me are making me pretty I thought I'd come to bed before I fall asleep in the hallway." He said with a yawn.

He crawled in bed with the redhead and laid down facing her. She smiled at him and placed her hand on top of his. He smiled and grasped her hand in his. "I have to work harder at keeping what I" he said before he drifted off. Shirayuki blushed and her smile became much more tender. She turned off the candlelamp and snuggled in beside him. All while keeping her hand entertwined with his.

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