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As Shirayuki hurried down the hall carrying her books, she caught a glimpse of some maids at the other end of the hallway, they were giving her strange looks and giggled when they made eye contact with her.

Had they heard about her and the second prince? It had only been a few weeks since...

She shook the thought out of her head and kept running towards the medical wing.

"There...." Sighed Zen as he leaned back in his seat. He'd been preparing all the paperwork for the wedding that would soon follow in four weeks. This on top of his usual work was far more tiring then he had thought.

The second prince stood up and walked outside to the balcony. Resting his elbows on the rail, he gazed out at the forest.

There was so much to do from room decor to invitations, even the food!
Zen put his arm over his eyes and smiled. It would all be worth it to make the big day as special as it could be.

Just then, Zen heard someone knock on his door.
"Come in." He said as he say back down at his desk.

The door opened and Kiki walked in.
"Are all of these for the wedding?" She asked casually. Zen nodded in response.

Kiki glanced at all of the papers. "Have you run these by Shirayuki yet?"

"Not yet. She's really busy with all the preparations for the open castle day tomorrow." He said running his fingers through his hair
"I'll be sure to tell her before I make any decisions."

Kiki gave a small smile and nodded. Then she remembered what she had came there for. "Zen. There have been reports of strange people in the forest outside the castle."

Zen looked up at the guard. "Are there any details? Things that we can put in a report to find out what's going on?" Kiki shook her head. "Nothing yet. I'll keep you informed." She said.

Zen stood up and made his way to the door. "Please tell the guards to be more cautious the next few days." He said before closing the doors behind him and making his way to the medical wing.

The redhead lifted her head from her desk and looked down at the paperwork in front of her, then out the window. The sun was already setting...she sighed and looked at Ryuu.

"Sorry Ryuu! I guess I fell asleep..." She said laughing nervously.

"It's alright. Chief Garack wants to speak with you." Ryuu said before continuing on his way. The redhead stood up and made her way toward the Chiefs Office.

Shirayuki stopped in front of the chief's door and knocked quietly. No response.
"Chief...?" Shirayuki said from behind the door. No answer.
She decided to poke her head in. "Sorry for the intrusion...Chief Garack?"

She found the Chief of Medicine asleep on the couch. A pile of reports on her and a pen in her hand. Shirayuki smiled and wondered if she should wake her up.

Before she could decide, Garack sat up suddenly and the papers flew all around the room. A small squeal escaped through the apple haired girl's lips. Garack looked at her and rubbed her eyes.

"Ah.... Sorry Shirayuki... I called you here to talk to you about Open Castle Day tomorrow. You have the day off."
She said as she began picking up the papers and Shirayuki ran over to help.

"Are you sure Chief? I really wouldn't mind helping"
"No no, you go enjoy yourself. Besides you haven't seen the Prince in awhile have you?" Garack said teasingly.

Shirayuki couldn't help but blush.
Garack saw this and smiled. "I heard that this year they are even going to host a ball." They both stood up and the pharmacist passed the papers to the Chief.

"Don't overwork yourself Shirayuki. Take the rest of today off too. You haven't even went home in the last week. Get some rest."

Shirayuki bowed to the Chief and closed the door behind her.

She's right. I should relax a little.

She took a deep breath and made her way back to her office to collect her things. When she opened the door she found someone asleep on the windowsill.

She smiled and walked over and shook his shoulder lightly. "Zen...Zeeen"
She heard him stir, then watched his deep blue eyes as they opened and looked at her.

"Shirayuki...." He sat up and stretched, yawning as he did. "I haven't seen you this week. Everything ok?"

Shirayuki nodded and smiled "everything's fine! I've been pretty busy preparing for tomorrow though." Zen smiled and looked around her office. "Everything looks organized.... Hey when was the last time you went home?"

The redhead looked away from the prince. "Haha... I've been spending most of the week here..."

Zen sighed and took Shirayuki's hand. "Come with me." He said as he smiled at her. "Eh? Where?"
Zen  led her in to the hallway and out the doors of the Pharmacy. "You look exhausted. You need some sleep."

Shirayuki nodded in response.
When she looked at Zen, she noticed his shoulders looked tense and his body looked exhausted. When was the last time Zen got some rest?


When Zen and Shirayuki stepped in to his room. They both looked around at the things that they had to unpack that belonged to Shirayuki. It wasn't much. A lot of medical books. Some clothes...

"When was my stuff moved here?" Shirayuki said looking at Zen.
"I don't know... I haven't been in my room in a few days."
He said looking back at her.

Just then, someone walked in the room carrying another box of books that belonged to Shirayuki.

"Obi?!" Zen and Shirayuki said together.
Obi looked at them and smiled. "Hey Miss, oh and Master as well!"

Zen walked up to his messenger and looked at him. "Was this your doing?" He asked.
Obi shrugged. "King Izana had me start this morning. I've been moving things all day with Mitsuhide."

Zen's eyes widened in shock. His brother?

"Is this all Obi?" Zen asked.
Obi nodded. "Mhm I'll help you guys unpack it all."

For the next 2 hours. Shirayuki hung up all of her clothes and put them in drawers after Zen moved things around and made room for her. Obi was unpacking all of Shirayuki's books and placing them on the empty shelves in Zen's room.

"Phew... Thanks for the help Obi!" Shirayuki said smiling at her guard.
Obi only bowed. "Now that everything is in order I'll take my leave. Have a nice night Master, Miss." And with the Obi was gone.

Zen sighed and laid down on the bed. "This took longer then expected." He said yawning. Shirayuki sat down beside him and nodded.

They spent awhile talking before Zen noticed that Shirayuki's eyes were falling. "Wait if you're going to go to sleep. You should lay down Shirayuki."

The redhead looked up at Zen and nodded. She stood up but didn't stay up long before she fell.

"Shirayuki?!" Zen exclaimed as he caught her. "Ah...Zen... Sorr..." And she fell asleep. Zen sighed and smiled at her.

He walked over and laid her down and crawled in next to her. Holding her close. He looked at her sleeping face and smiled before closing his eyes and falling asleep with his princess in his arms.


Awesome! This chapter is done, and unfortunately so is the anime! (T ^ T) maybe a third season will happen?

Thanks for reading guys! THIS STORY IS FAR FROM OVER! So stick around!

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