Intruders In The Night

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After Zen and Shirayuki finished talking, he had told her to go to bed ahead of him and went to see his attendant, the cat like gentleman by the name of Obi.

"Obi! Are you here?" Zen called out, almost immediately, the former assassin jumped out of a nearby tree and landed in front of the second prince.

"Obi. I have a favor to ask of you. " Zen said. Obi nodded in response.
" of course of course! What can I do for ya?~" obi said in his joking way.

Zen shook his head at the assassin and continued, "I want you to keep an eye out for any strange people. We have a breach." obi nodded and stood up lazily. "I'm on it" and with that he sprang back into the trees.

Zen smiled and decided to take a walk to clear his head. It was a nice night and he liked the fresh air. Just before he could do that, his guard Mitsuhide, ran up to him.

"Zen! Zen!" He yelled as he caught up with the second prince.

"Mitsuhide, what's up?" Zen asked ."our guards at the front gate have been taken out. A small group of people have made it into the grounds and are roaming through the castle freely!"


Shirayuki tossed in the bed that she now shared with the second prince. She felt a little lonely without him there with her. As strange as it sounded, she sat up and stretched out her arms before she heard a noise coming from the door, assuming it was Zen, she crawled back in bed and pretended to be asleep, to avoid him being angry with her.

But as she waited, nothing happened, she could still feel the presence, but it didn't feel right, not like Zen.

Then she heard something. The sound of a blade being pulled from it's sheath. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she felt her breath getting caught in her throat.

The footsteps continued moving towards her now. Slowly and carefully. She was about to get up and run before she realized she couldn't even stand on her own.

When the intruder stopped, she felt them looking at her. She could hear their breathing.

"found her. " the voice said. That was enough to scare her. She let out a small whimper and hoped that Zen, Obi, Kiki, anyone would walk in.

" Ohh, seems she's awake!" he voice belonging to a man laughed. Then she felt the covers being yanked off of her, she rolled off the bed to avoid the man's grasp, and attempted to run out of the room, trying to avoid the terrible pain coming from her ankle. If she could reach anyone, she would be safe.

She heard the man pursuing her, and she grabbed a pot with flowers that one of the maids had given her earlier that day, she felt bad, but this was an emergency. She threw the pot and it smashed on the ground, sending little glass pieces flying. She had made it out the door.

After running, or limping, for awhile she stopped, looking at her leg, the pain was almost unbearable but she had gotten away. Now she needed to find someone. Anyone.

She was about to round the corner when she was grabbed, a pair of hands grabbed her by her hair, causing her to yell out in pain, only to have her mouth covered quickly. She was pressed against the wall and she finally looked at her pursuer.

A big, tall man, with a small group of 4 with him, they all looked at her as if she was a peice of meat that they were about to rip apart.

She wanted to cry for Zen, but refused and stopped herself. She wouldn't show fear Infront of these people.

"Simon, now that we got her, what happens next?" one of the men say, the one holding her down smiled and turned her over quickly, tying her hands and throwing her over his shoulder.

"now. We let the second prince know what we found." he said with a ugly laugh to follow. Shirayuki's eyes widened at the thought of Zen being lured into a trap because of her.

The man lifted his hand to the stone wall and Shirayuki heard a click. Then a space in the wall was formed, and they slipped through.


After he rounded the corner, he was surprised to find the door, already open, when he walked in. His heart stopped.

Broken glass, the bed looked torn apart, and Shirayuki was nowhere to be seen. "SHIRAYUKI?!" He called desperately, but nobody came out. He ran back to his office to find a single letter on his desk. He picked it up and saw the writing on the envelope.

To: Prince Zen of Clarines

He opened it and a single strand of red hair fell out, along with a note.

He opened it.

Dear Prince,

We have your fiance, congratulations on your engagement! We have things to discuss. Please meet us in the forest tomorrow night at 1:00am sharp. Come alone, if you want to see the girl unharmed.

From: An old friend

He picked up the red strand and looked at it closely. It was Shirayuki's. They had her. Even though he was aware of their presence. He never thought they would target her. An old.... friend? Who was this person? How does he know them...

He slammed his hand down on his desk angrily. He had to go. He could figure something out later. He had to see her.


Hey guys! Sooooooooooo...... I UPLOADED YAAAY!

Sorry sorry sorry for the wait! So many things happened.... But its here now and not gonna lie I'm pumped again about this story, who is Simon? What will Zen do? IS SHIRAYUKI OK?!

Post soon! See you guys later!

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