Bedroom Embarrassment

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Four months had gone by after the castle breach, and everything was running smoothly once more. Word had spread all through the kingdom, and neighboring kingdoms about the second princes engagement to the royal pharmacist.

Shirayuki was not used to having so many eyes on her all at once. She started to have Obi with her every day, Zen had named him her personal attendant, so everywhere she went he would accompany her, she had no complaints though.

Today she was excited because it was her final appointment for her ankle. She had to use crutches since the incident, her ankle never got to heal properly which resulted in her not being able to put any kind of pressure on it... which also meant she had to rely on Obi to carry her charts and books for her, as well as bring her things she needed. "Its not a problem mistress, I'm happy to help you for as long as you need." He kept telling her, but she couldn't help but feel guilty.

She made her way to Chief Garracks office, where her and Ryuu were waiting. "Shirayuki! Are you ready?" The head pharmacist asked as she gestured to the stool in the middle of the room. "Yes!" Shirayuki replied as she sat down and leaned her crutches on the side of the stool.
Garrack held the redheads ankle and rolled it up and down slowly, and then to the left and right. "Can you move it on your own with no discomfort?" She asked,  Shirayuki nodded and slowly moved her foot around. "It does feel a tiny bit stiff." She commented. "Yes that's too be expected, you haven't been using the muscles for awhile, it'll feel fine in no time!"

"Are you going to try walking Mistress? Here, come to me. I won't let you fall" Obi said with a wink and a smile to match. Shirayuki nodded and rose from her seat. She took one step, it felt very strange... she took another step, and another, until she reached out and placed her hand in her attendants. They smiled at each other and Garrack clapped her hands together.

"Perfect! It's good as new! Just don't push yourself, if you feel sore take a break for a bit." She exclaimed with a smile. Ryuu walked over and placed a wrapped bundle in the redheads hand. "For any swelling you feel at the end of the day.  Just massage it into the skin and it should feel fine the next day." Shirayuki nodded in understanding "thank you Ryuu!" She said with a smile.

"Shirayuki." A smooth voice called out to her, she could never get over how her heart would flutter at his voice. She turned and met the deep blue eyes of her prince. "Zen." She exclaimed with a smile. She gestured down at her ankle and then took a few steps towards him, he stepped forward to reach out for her hand. Once she grasped it he pulled her softly to his side. "Full recovery?" He asked. She was about to respond before the chief chimed in. "Make sure she doesn't get overworked your highness." She chided lightly. Zen nodded and then gestured to the door. "Shall we?" He said as he wrapped one arm around her waist. "Mm!" She said with a nod.

They spent the rest of the day together. Reading in the library and they spent some time in Zens office. Zen even took the apple haired girl on a long horse ride in the palace forest.

After a long day. Shirayuki was finally feeling worn out. Zen turned back towards the castle and as he did, Shirayuki felt a drop on her nose. "Ah.... Zen?" She said as she leaned to the side to try and see his face. "Ah, its starting to rain. Hold on tight to me Shirayuki!" He said as he gave his horse a firm urge forward. Shirayuki held on tight as they raced back to the castle.

In the end it did nothing for them though, they still walked inside completely soaked. "I'll take you to our room, but I need to make a quick stop to my brothers office. Go climb in bed I won't be long." Shirayuki tried to protest by saying she could go on her own but the white haired prince would not back down.

Eventually she sighed in defeat, and they walked hand in hand for most of the way until Zen felt her slowing down. "Are you alright?" He said as he placed his hand on her cheek, facing her towards him. "Yea.... I'm just a little stiff is all.... a lot of action for a freshly healed ankle haha" she answered lightly. Suddenly she felt her feet get swept up, "Z-zen..." she said in surprise as the second prince carried her the rest of the way to their room.

He placed her on the bed and smiled. "I'll be right back." He said and kissed her forehead softly before making a swift exit.
Zen was able to drop off his brothers reports quickly and make his way back to his rooms. He opened the door and was about to quietly crawl into bed with his redhead when he nearly choked as he stopped in his tracks.

He saw Shirayuki, no... he saw a lot of Shirayuki. She was wrapped in nothing but a towel as her hair hung loosely down past her shoulders. Her long slender legs exposed to the night air. She was leaning over the bed and massaging her ankle with the  herbal lotion Ryuu had given her. Her head whipped around and green met blue and both of their faces went through 3 shades of pink.

"I-I'm sorry!" They both stuttered out.

Shirayuki was about to get up to rush to the bathroom, but didn't make it far as she winced trying to put her weight on her ankle. Upon closer inspection Zen could see it was pretty red, and even a little swollen. She'd over done it.

"Shirayuki, stay there.... I'll.... I'll come to you." He said as he walked over. She sat back down on the bed, still red as a tomato, as she watched him come closer. He rounded the bed and then put his arm under her legs and hoisted them up on the bed. He then sat at her feet. Picking up the lotion from her nightstand, he put a small amount in his hands and started to work it through her ankle. Massaging the swollen limb and he smiled to himself as he heard something close to a moan from his redhead.

"Zen..... that feels so nice..." she puured as she relaxed into her pillow. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of her princes strong fingers massaging the medicine into her skin.
After awhile she told him that was enough and thanked him. He nodded and grabbed her a nightgown to change into. As she took it from his hand he glanced at her small shoulders, eyes wandering down towards her collarbone.... and settled for a moment on her soft looking chest. He immediately blushed and tore his eyes away.

"I'll just turn around. Let me know when I can look again." He said as he sat facing away from her on his side of the bed. He heard her shuffling around trying to get it all over her head and smiled to himself.

"....okay." She said softly and Zen turned. She looked back at him with a smile on her face. He got changed himself, in the bathroom of course, and crawled into bed with his bride.

Nuzzled into her red hair, he traced his fingers along her neck, trailing small circles and making her shudder. He kept doing it until he felt her breathing settle, and then allowed sleep to take him as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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