Info; Jessie Eucliffe

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Name: Jessie Vastia
Jessie Eucliffe
Alias: Cherry Blossom Jessie
Dragon King
Experiment No. 3
Race: Human (Half Dragon)
Age: 19
Birthday: Year X772
Hair Colour: Strawberry Blond
White (Dragon Force)
Teal (God Force)
Black with white streaks (Devil Force)
Eye Colour: Light Blue
Gold (Dragon Force)
Pink (God Force)
White (Devil Force)
Professional Status
Affiliation: Ten Wizard Saints
Laima Scale
Guild Mark
Location: Left Shoulder
Guild Mark
Colour: White
Occupation: Mage
Wizard Saint (3rd)
Team: Riot Child
Partner(s): Jean Westwood and Alex Dreyar
Base of
Operations: Laima Scale
Personal Status
Status: Active
Relatives: Sting Eucliffe (Younger Twin Brother)
Weisslogia (Foster Father; Deceased)
Lyon Vastia (Adoptive Older Brother)
Magic: Cherry Blossom Magic
Light Dragon Slayer Magic
Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic
Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
Galaxy Dragon Slayer Magic
Music Dragon Slayer Magic
Dragon Force
Dragon Rider Magic
Snow God Slayer Magic
Lava God Slayer Magic
Poison God Slayer Magic
Lightning God Slayer Magic
Fire God Slayer Magic
God Force
Water Devil Slayer Magic
Iron Devil Slayer Magic
Sky Devil Slayer Magic
Crystal Devil Slayer Magic
Flame Devil Slayer Magic
Devil Force
Unison Raid
Celestial Spirit Magic
Green Magic
Crush Magic
Sleep Magic
Copy Magic
Bubble Magic
Ruin Magic
Earth Magic
Gravity Magic
Explosive Magic

Jessie is a tall young man with strawberry blond hair which reaches one inch from his shoulders, and his bangs framing his face. He has cool light blue eyes, full lips, and a beauty mark located under the right side of his mouth. He wears a white high-collared long-sleeved jacket reaching down below his waist, distinguished by silver trimmings around his neck, cuffs and bottom of the jacket. On the back of his jacket he has the symbol of the Wizard Saints. Underneath his jacket here wears a long-sleeve grey T-shirt, black jeans and black combat boots.

On Jessie's back he has 30 tattoos of magic circles representing the different magic he uses, he also has scars littering his body.

Jessie and his younger twin brother Sting Eucliffe were raised by the Dragon Weisslogia, who taught him Light Dragon Slayer Magic. He eventually used this Magic to kill Weisslogia, in order to become a "real" Dragon Slayer; this was later revealed to be a half-truth, as Weisslogia willingly let Jessie kill him in order to raise his strength. Eventually, the entire fact that Weisslogia died was revealed to have been a ruse; Jessie and Sting had their memories manipulated by his foster father and became a host for the twos bodies, which allowed Jessie's and Sting's Dragonification process to be halted due to the presence of new antibodies in their bodies. To ensure that Jessie and Sting did not remember any of what had happened, Weisslogia implanted the memory that they had been forced to kill him and the results they would have actually achieved had such a thing been done.

At age 11 while wondering the forest Jessie and Sting came across a group of strong mages who started chasing the two, Jessie made a quick decision by hiding Sting in a high tree and used himself as a decoy to ensure the safety of his little brother.

Jessie was taken to away and kept in a cell with eight year old Jean Westwood and 17 year old Alex Dreyar. He along with Jean and Alex we're used for experiments, the men that captured Jessie would also sexually harass him and Alex daily. During on of the experiments Jessie lost all his memories from an infant to the age of 13, only remembering his magic. Alex eventually fell pregnant and Jessie had to deliver the child who was named Kai Dreyar.

At age 15 Jessie, Jean, Alex and Kai escaped and came across a man named Jura Neekis who took them to Laima Scale, the three of them decided to join Laima Scale and made a group called Riot Child, at the same time he was adopted by Lyon Vastia and became his little brother. About one year later Jessie was granted the position of Wizard Saint and quickly moved up to third place.

Jessie watched as Kai became fans of the "Twin Dragons of Sabertooth" and for his seventh birthday with Alex's permission implanted Light and Shadow Dragon Lacrima into Kai's body and made him a Second Generation Dragon Slayer, now Jessie and Kai train daily.

At some point in his life, Jessie implanted Dragon Lacrima into his own body, thereby making him a Third Generation Dragon Slayer.

Jessie has a severe case of arachnophobia (fear of spiders), and will freak whenever he sees one due to experiences from his past and will probably faint.

As a child, Jessie was the sort of unenthusiastic kid who liked to watch clouds. He preferred not to get involved in "troublesome" activities, pretending to be busy to avoid responsibility. He also does not like fighting, deeming it, as he does to most things, "troublesome".

However, when duty calls, Jessie has a strong moral compass and sense of commitment towards his comrades. He will sacrifice himself and face almost certain death, for the sake of his friends and/or family without a second thought. This was demonstrated even from a young age when he and Sting were being followed by a group of mages while on the way throw the forest, he realised a decoy was needed to ensure Sting's safety and without hesitation sacrificed himself. Even in the face of imminent death, Jessie's unwavering laziness was demonstrated when he described death as a drag.

After he, Jean, Alex and Kai escaped from their cell Jessie's personality drastically changed from lazy to quiet and nearly emotionless but can also have a short temper if angered or woken up from a nap, he also has a soft spot for cute things and is kind to people who he's just met. On certain days Jessie will show his sweet and cheeky sides to a special group of people. Jessie is very protective over his best friend Jean, he's also protective of woman and children and gets angered if one is hurt, especially Alex and Kai who he treats like siblings.

Jessie is very self-conscious about his scars and tattoos and keeps them hidden, the only people who know about them are Jean, Alex, Jura, and close friend Lyon Vastia.

- (To Sting Eucliffe) "Sting, do you know why older brothers are born first? It's so they can protect their younger siblings."
- (To members of a Dark Guild) "I don't give a damn who you are, you've angered me by harming my comrades, so know that I will not hold back any longer."
- (To Kai Dreyar) "If you really want to be strong like other Dragon Slayers then you're going to have to train harder, and I'm warning you now that it won't be an easy task, are you sure you're up to it?"
- (To Sting) "I'm sorry but I have no memory of my past. Therefore I don't know what our connection was."
- (To Yukino Agria) "I don't know of my past, I lost the memories of the first 13 years of my life."
- (To himself about Lucy Heartfillia) "Those eyes, they hold so much sadness, but also so much love and happiness."
- (To himself about Sting and Rogue Cheney) "Sting is Rogue's light. Just like Jean is my light."
- (To Alex Dreyah) "Get the hell off of me! You're to heavy you old hag!"
- (To Jean Westwood) "Stop trying to look at Sherria while she's in the washroom you pervert!"
- (To Jean) "Sometimes I wish I was a cloud, just going with the flow and not a care in the world."
- (To Sting) "Just shut up you bastard! You don't know what happened in that cell! So just shut it!"
- (To Lyon Vastia about Sting) "H-He told me I should've s-stayed i-in that c-cell!"

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