Info; Aiari Anubis

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Name: Aiari Anubis
Alias: Ai-chan
Young Lord
Race: Human
Age: 17
Birthday: Year X774
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Purple
Professional Status
Affiliation: Lamia Scale
Guild Mark
Location: Right outer ankle
Guild Mark
Colour: Gold
Occupation: Mage
Team: Riot Child
Partner(s): Jessie Eucliffe, Jean Westwood and Alex Dreyar
Base of
Operations: Lamia Scale
Personal Status
Status: Active
Relatives: Ammon Anubis (Father)
Isis Anubis (Mother)
Menthes Anubis (Older Brother)
Magic: Sand Devil Slayer Magic
Devil Force
Unison Raid
Sleep Magic
Take Over Magic

Aiari has a straight bob, long in the front and shorter in the back, with tufts resembling cat ears. He wears a skintight suit exposing the midriff, and wears a blazer over it. He wears a striped belt around his waist and gladiator sandals.

In Devil Force his outfit is closer to ancient Egyptian clothing, and he grows jackal ears, tail and claws, his eyes also turn gold.

Aiari grew up in the Anubis Manor, belonging to a rich family of Egyptians, growing up Aiari became the shadow of his older brother Menthes. Aiari eventually run away at the age of 15 and has been persuaded by Dark Guilds ever since for the reward money.

Aiari is a shy boy who rarely appears in public and if so always follows Jessie. Despite his shyness he has a curious side. He only trusts Jessie at first, but opens up to the rest later on. He likes hanging around animals a lot, because he feels closer to them and they have no sin. He usually spends his time exploring outside or staying in the guild with Jessie.

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