Chapter 4

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"Where is the little bugger?" Tatiana asked exasperatedly. They were in the courtyard now. They've looked almost everywhere, and still no sign of Galaxia.

"Well, there is one place we haven't checked..." Vanessa grinned. Tatiana groaned. "No, nope nope nope. There is no way in Helga Hufflepuff am I going in there." Vanessa frowned. "C'mon, it's just a stupid forest." She reasoned.

"It's the forbidden forest. Forbidden! We can't go in there, we had to many narrow escapes as it is." Raven chimed in.

Vanessa rolled her eyes. "C'mon. No one has to know..." Raven did a humorless laugh. "Please, Hagrid'll chase out before we can say Gryffindor."

"Okay, then I guess we'll just leave Galaxia to unintentionally hurt herself?" It went on and on and on like this forever.
Finally, Raven and Tatiana agreed to look in the forest. They went in to it quite reluctantly.

"Galaxia?" Raven called. There was loud bark. Tatiana grasped Raven's arm. Vanessa ran up ahead, into the thick wood. "Come! There's an open space!" She yelled. Raven and Tatiana gradually made their way through the leaves, branches, tree roots and thorns.

They came to a stop at a small open space, the sun shining through the leaves. A huge shaggy black dog jumped out, growling. It saw the three and snarled, walking towards them. Raven laughed.

"Hey buddy!" She giggled, kneeling down and scratching the dogs head. The dog made a weird noise. It barked, knuckling into Raven's hand. "Heh, good boy!" She chuckled. There was a loud squawk, and a beautiful Phoenix flew out from behind the trees. Something was odd about this phoenix. It wasn't red, yellow and orange. It was blue, different shades of blue. It left a misty trail of blue behind it.

The dog barked at the Phoenix. It flew up, landing on a high branch. It started to sing a beautiful majestic song.

"I can't believe it..." Raven whispered. "It's a Hyacintho Phoenix..." Vanessa and Tatiana looked at Raven. "A what-a what what?" Tatiana asked.

"A Hyacintho Phoenix. They're a really majestic breed of phoenix. There are believed to be only three of them left in the world. They say the last person who's patronus or animagus was a Hyacintho Phoenix was...was...oh, they didn't know the name. But the last person who's animagus and patronus was Hyacintho lived in 88 BC. It leaves a misty trail behind it, and it has beautiful powers. They can freeze people. Not like, ice freeze. Just...stop them. The person never ages, and there is no way to unfreeze that person. Kind of like...stopping that person in time. If you're an animagus of one, then you inherit this power, and also the elemental power." Raven explained.

Raven was the animal person. She knew all there is to know about animals. But, if it comes to anything else, she's terrible at everything but Care of Magical Creatures.

"Wow." Vanessa said bluntly. They stared up at the bird. Or well, where the bird was. It was gone now.

There was a loud musical screech, and the rough path back to the castle through the forest was clear and easy to walk through. The thorns and branches retreated.

They walked out of the forest merrily, being excited about the Phoenix. A soft voice from behind them suddenly said;

"You saw the Hyacintho."

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