Chapter 8

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This is going to be a very short chapter! Sorry, this is sort of a filler.

The next day, I walked into potions class. I sat down next to Remus at the front like usual. He didn't even say hi, he just glanced at me and frowned.

Professor Slughorn was in front of the class. "Hello Class! Today we will be learning about this—" he pointed to a cauldron in it. "Anyone know what this is?"

Of course Lily raised her hand. I raised my hand, along with Remus. "Ah, Miss Evans?" He said happily. It's not even fair! He picks her every single freaking time.

We all lowered out hands. "That's Amortentia...the most powerful love potion." She answered like always in her innocent, smart, posh way.

"Correct! Point to Gryffindor." The Ravenclaws grunted. "As you all know, Amortentia smells as the person you desire...or fancy the most. Anyone want to come up and try?" I slowly raised my hand. A few other girls and a only Remus raised their hand.

"" "Ravenclaw." I sighed. He looked startled. Yeah yeah whatever. So my last name is Ravenclaw...

I walked up to the front, looking at the cauldron full of pink liquid. "Now, sniff it and tell us what you smell." He urged.

I smelled it a little. "I smell...uh..pine wood..." Remus. This is some mistake, right? I sniffed again. "Firewood..." I grumbled. Ugh, that stupid player dude. What was his name again? Oh yeah, Harland or something.

" hair or dog hair or something." I shuffled back to my seat. Remus was looking down.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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