Chapter 6

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***Galaxias' Pov**

"So, TELL US WHATS IN THE STINKING PROTECTION BOX ALREADY" Vanessa screamed. "How'd you know it was called a protection box?" I asked. "It says 'Protection Box' in golden letters on the top." Raven chuckled.

"Whatever, anyways, this may take me some time to open..." I looked over it carefully.

You don't have to read this part, it's just all the locks. And there are A LOT of locks :)
First, I took my wand out. I stuck the tip of it in the small hole on the top. It glowed for a second, then opened. A mini Ravenclaw knocker was now visible.
Second, A mini version of the Ravenclaws knocker asked me a riddle. "What's the longest word in a dictionary?" It asked. I thought for a second. "Smiles, because there's a MILE between each 'S'." I answered confidently. It knocked once, now a circle shaped hole was waiting.
Third, I took off my charm bracelet and took the very special charm. It said 'Words only hurt if you let them hurt'. I put the circle shaped charm and stuck it in the hole for a second, then pulling out. I put my charm bracelet back on. It glowed red, then opened. You could see 10 small balls that stuck out a little. If you roll them, all numbers were on them.
Fourth, I put in this passcode: 18, 5, 2, 5, 12, 12, 9, 15, 21, 19How I remember it? I think each number stand for a letter. Like 1 is A and 2 is B and so on. So in this case it would be Rebellious. How do all of these numbers fit on tiny balls? Magic. The wood slid to the side, revealing another knocker. But this time, it didn't as a riddle.
Fifth, "What prank did you pull on your sister, and what was the exact date?" I laughed. "I put a bucket on top of the door. When she opened it, barbecue sauce poured on her head. It was December 12, 1968." The knocker knocked once on the wood, and the top opened. This time, something was visible.

"It's a time—" I put my hand over Tatiana's mouth. "Sh." I whisper. I carefully take out the time turner, showing it for a minute, then putting it back in. "How in the heavens did you get that?!" Raven exclaimed. "Professor Dumbledore" I whispered, tapping the box three times with my wand. All of the locks came back to its normal place, locked once more.

I put the protection box back in my bag. "Why?" Vanessa asked. I bit my lip. "That's a story for another day." I replied hurriedly. "Oh, and while you were asleep Poppy said you're excused from classes all day." Tatiana added.

I nodded, glancing around. "I need to remember these words, okay?" I said to them quietly. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." They looked confused. They'll figure it out soon enough. I rushed away, my hair blowing behind me.


BANG. I bumped into someone really hard. I got up, murmuring to myself.

I bumped into the person again. "Ow." I got up again, looking at the person this time. It was Remus. "Hey." I said, rushing back to my destination with a backward wave. He grabbed my arm.

He pulled my back in front of him, looking over my face. "Tell me what's wrong." He said finally. "Nothing wrong." I said, not looking in his eyes. "I've been your friend for nearly 13 years now, so I think I know if there is something wrong." He argued.

I shook my head. "Nothing." He sighed, kissing my forehead and hugging me. I could feel my face get hot. "I'm going to find out one way or another, Galaxia." He muttered in my ear.

My face was still hot as he let go of me. "See you." I gulped, walking away.


Hi! In case you're wondering, the picture is of Remus. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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