Alyssa P.OV
Me,Syd,and Kenz were all outside playing Volleyball just what we do everyday. Kenzie and Sydney are on one team and I'm all alone! Oh well. We're going to 21 right know it's Syd&Kenzie20 and Me,Myself,and I have 19 and I'm not gonna lose! It's my serve.. I serve it straight over the net and they bump it back I do the same then they set it and I spike it straight to the ground. It's 20 to 20. I get the ball again.. Oh my gosh the pressure is on me.. I throw the ball up and when I'm about to hit it here comes my mom screaming for us to come in. I lost. I lost.! "Thanks mom. I lost. Next time do that when their serving please.!:)" I said very nice.
Sydney and Mckenzie just laughed at me. Whatever.
"Girls I have news to tell you.." Said our mom. Knowing her.. When she pauses it's not good! "What's that mom?:)" Sydney said being happy as always.
"Well.. You all know we're going threw some hard times.. I'm running out of money and I can't afford to pay the bills. I've been talking to my old friend Janis and she said that her daughter Jesy and her friend Jade,Leigh-Ann,and Perrie would be happy to have three 18 year olds in their house. They have the room,the money,the clothes and they can support you guys.. This is for the best.. Please understand.. They also said you don't have to pack or bring your old flip up phones.. You're going straight to the mall.
Sydney P.O.V
We're moving...
"But mom we'll miss you!" Kenzie and Alyssa said at the same time I didn't say anything I was in shock. Moms actually letting us go live with someone we don't know. They must be rich? There's 4 of them and 3 of us.. Oh gosh.
Mckenzie's P.O.V
We're moving. Yay! But I sure will miss mom..:(
"Girls,Your leaving at 3 to have time for the mall and it's 2:30. Can you guys pick your Volleyballs up and clean your room up a bit you don't have too I just don't want it a mess when you come back.. If you do." Mom whispered the last part.
Jesy's P.O.V
My mom called me up asking if Jade,Me,Perrie,and Leigh-Ann could take in three 18 year old triplets because their mom was having trouble with money and paying bills. Us being the nice people we are agreed to take them in. We heard they were upset about leaving there mom.
So we decided it would be best to buy new things for them because their mom said she would never be able to have them again because their father was after them she Was using the bills as an excuse so were getting them everything new.
It's 2:55 and we're 5 minutes away from there house.
Jade's P.O.V
Perrie's P.O.V
More girls to go shopping with!! :)
Leigh-Ann's P.O.V
Almost to our new family's house.!
So happy to have 3 new girls in our life not that I don't already love these girls but it doesn't hurt to have more.!:)
Alyssa's P.O.V
Once Me,Kenzie,and Sydney got done cleaning our rooms in 3 minutes so we could have enough time to pick up our volleyball net. When we got done picking that up we took it inside and then looked around we were all gonna miss this place. We all grew up here and now it's all being stolen from us by stupid bills. Gosh. Mom.. I love you. Don't forget that. Only for you.
We looked out the window and 4 girls came walking this way..
One had Red hair and the others had Purple,Blue and Blackish kinda hair.
These girls look cool. I love how they dress. I like the girl in the purple hairs clothes.
**Knock Knock**
Mckenzie opened the door.
"Hi,I'm Mckenzie this is Sydney and that one over there is Alyssa. She's lost in her thoughts."Mckenzie said laughing.
"Am not! Wait? What are we talking about?" I asked all confused.?? Everybody broke out laughing.
"We'll girls.. We're your new parents for awhile. I'm Perrie,Thats Jade,Leigh-Ann,and Jesy. The girl with the purple hair said.
"Are you ready to go?" Asked the black haired one I believe named Leigh-Ann..
"Umm... Yeah.." Sydney replied.
We all gave mom a hug that lasted for about 5 minutes each and then we got into their huge SUV and set of for the mall.

We're Living With Who?
RandomA Little Mix and One Direction maybe Ed Sheeran and more Fan Fiction in one. :)