Birthday Party

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*Same day just later on* 

Alyssa's P.O.V 

The card start pulling in. Everybody is here and we all start heading to the back yard. 

We had them a bouncy house party. Ice cream cake,ice cream,and presents. Ed and I got them a trampoline. It's put up but we covered it with papers to make it look like a table for presents. We've been out here quite a while and I heard the car door shut 3 times? I ignores it because maybe someone went to get presents. Then I felt a hand wrap around my waist. I turned around and it was ED!  

"Ed! I missed you so much! I love you.!" I told him while hugging him super right. 

"Can't breath." He said fake gasping. 

"Haha. Very funny." I said smiling widely. 

""Love you too babe."" 

"DADDY!!" We heard three little ones scream. Everybody "Awe'd" 

"Babies!" He replied with the same smile and happy tone. Zayn and Lou arrived. These guys made a party better. Harry and McKenzie didn't come because their all sick:(  

The party was fun. They loved all their presents. Perrie got them a swing set. Gosh. They loved everything. This party was amazing. The lads told jokes to the kids and played in the bouncy houses.

*Later that night*  

All the kids are a sleep. Ed and I are in our bed watching the Telly. We started kissing and next thing ya know stuff happened. 

(Sorry. I don't write that crap. I'm young)

Perrie's P.O.V 

I'm so glad the kids liked their swing set. 

I got two blue seats and pink seat. Alyssa got them a trampoline. Louis got them little cars. Zayn got them a bunch of stuff and everybody else gave them clothes. Zayn and I are talking about everything and how Jazmin has been and how much she misses her daddy.

Lou's P.O.V 

Zayn&I go back to tour in 2 weeks so I plan in making this the best two weeks with my kids ever. We're gonna Skype El right know. Ttyl.

Zayn's P.O.V 

I'm so glad the kids likes their presents. Louis&I Go back to the tour bus in 2 weeks. So Perrie,Jazmin and I are going to spend a lot of time together this week because after this I'll be gone for a year.

Authors note 

All for tonight.! GOODNIGHT SLEEP TIGHT! That want suppose to caps lol. Night.

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