Christmas Party

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El's p.o.v

"Chase.!!" I yelled. He was upstairs doing something. Lucy was helping Louis take the presents to the car. It's 7:20 and it takes us about 5 minutes to get there. "Coming mom"

I heard Chase say.

Once we all got in the car we left for Alyssa&Ed's.

Ed's p.o.v

I've put all the food out for everybody.

The kids are dressed and Alyssa is getting dressed. She curled Elyssa's hair.

"Babe. Is everything ready?" I heard Alyssa say. "Yeah." I replied. She had on a dress and her hair curled. She was perfect.

Perrie's p.o.v

Everybody's dressed and on their way to the car. Jazmin is helping me carry the pies and everything. I grabbed my purse and phone and we left for Alyssa&Ed's. should be fun.


*At The Party*

Alyssa's p.o.v

Everybody's having fun.

Eating,playing,watching movies,and more.

It's 12:30 A.m and the kids haven't crashed yet. Everybody starts cleaning up.

"Kids we better get home. Santa can't come if we're not there." Lou yelled for the kids.

"Us too." Said Zayn.

Once everybody cleaned up as left Ed and I put the kids down to sleep. Ed helped me clean. We threw the trash away and picked up toys and everything.!

Then Ed and I had some.. "Personal time."

Authors note

This story's coming to and end. About 3-4 more chapter left.! So sad.! They'll be more chapters. Maybe an sequel. Idk.

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