Perrie's P.O.V
So I have to go grocery shopping today with all three children. Can you say fun? Me neither. So the kids are dressed and so am I.
We're on our way o the local grocery store.
This is going to be so much fun! Not.
We also have to get Alyssa's triplets presents. Today they turn 6. We already celebrated Jazzy's birthday a couple days ago and they got Jazmin a little Pink Barbie car.
Alyssa's P.O.V
Today the triplets turn 6. Their all so happy.
They get to start KinderGarden this year. They skipped Preschool but we worked with them over the year and summer. So we're having them a party today and then I'm taking them shopping tomorrow for school close and things.
Ed's P.O.V
Alyssa and I decided to send the kids to KinderGarden not preschool because we worked with them over the year and summer.
She's having them a birthday. No one knows I'm coming. So is Zayn and Louis. None of our wife's know we're coming not our kids. Only management. So I'm packing right know so I can go home to my lovely family.
Lou's P.O.V
I get to see my beautiful babies.! I'm so happy. Perrie calls me in the morning with Nicole and Chase. She didn't today because she is out shopping for Elyssa,Scott,and Nick a birthday present. I already have them.
I got Scott and Nick a Nerf Gun. Alyssa is going to kill me. I got Elyssa little rings and a little Pink Princess Pop Up House. Don't know how Alyssa will think about that.
Zayn's P.O.V
I'm going home to Perrie.
I'm going home to Jazmin.
How I Miss my girls. They don't know I'm coming so I can surprise them. I got them both presents. Jazzy's birthday and Perrie being a great mum.
I've gotten Alyssa's kids all little trucks and Barbies and other little things. I believe Perrie is getting them something big. I don't know.
Well.. I have to pack..
Jade's P.O.V
Perrie invited us and the girls over to Scott,Nick,and Elyssa's Party. It would be rude not to go. We're all getting ready. Maybe Perrie will be there and realize why she left us and finally recognized that we weren't in the picture anymore and maybe she wants us back? I hope. Us girls surly do miss her.
Authors note
The Birthday Party Is In The next chapter.
Sorry. It might be long or short? It just depends on when my mom walks by. I'm suppose to be asleep. Shh.!:)

We're Living With Who?
RandomA Little Mix and One Direction maybe Ed Sheeran and more Fan Fiction in one. :)