Alyssa's P.O.V
Ed's taking me out to dinner tonight.
We're going to a fancy restaurant and a carnival. I LOVEE me some funnel cake.
I dressed in white shorts,converse,and a red top. My hair is in a straight pony tail.
Ed has on his usal. Jeans,Sneakers,and shirt.
Once Eleanor and Louis arrived Ed and I told them everything and the time we would be back and we left for the restaurant.
We ate and talked this is so fun.
I missed this.
Ed's P.O.V
Now off towards the carnival.
We got there and the first thing Alyssa does is run to the funnel/elephant ear stand and get one. Gosh. I love this girl.
"Hi Ed.! Can my daughter get an autograph and a picture please?" The mother of a 7 year old asked me. "Sure." We posed for the
Pictures and I signed her book bag. When Alyssa came back we ate all the funnel cake and went to play the game where you throw the ball and knock down the pins.
"Omgosh.' That panda.! It's so smexy. I must win!" Alyssa said. We payed for the balls and she threw the balls and barley missed them.
I threw everyone of my balls and made it.
"The panda please." I told the guy running it.
"Butthole" I heard Alyssa Mumble.
"Babe. It's for you. Don't be calling me
Names." I said with a laugh. The rest of the day went of me and Alyssa completion on each game with each other. We went home with 1 panda,1 lion,1 fish,and 2 funnel cakes. 1 for the kids and 1 for Lou and El.
El's P.O.V
These kids are so cute! They go on and on and on about things that never happened.
Elyssa is in love with Louis and Nick is always with me. Scott is playing trucks not taking
Notice of us.
Louis got Elyss to sleep and he put her to her bed and nick went to sleep I took him to bed.
Scott was about to pass out but his trucks kept going. Triplets arni't that bad. A couple minutes later Scott was out and I took him to bed. When Alyssa and Ed came home they thanked us and have us a funnel cake. Haha.
Alyssa. I'm glad Ed got her mind off that guy.
Lou's P.O.V
Ed's P.O.V
We checked on the kids and then went to bed. I work tomorrow so I set my alarm to 5:30 A.M so I have time to shower.
Alyssa put the funnel cake in the fridge and checked on the dog.
El and Lou said they took her out so she shouldn't have to go out. She had water and food. With that we wished the kids goodnight and gave them kissed and went to bed.
Zayn's P.O.V
Perrie,Jazmin&I have been having the best time. To bad I got back tomorrow.!:(
Perrie's P.O.V
Zayn leaves tomorrow. What will Jazmin think? She know gets ideas.
Jazmin's P.O.V
Is daddy leaving again? She thought.
Daddy be back.!:) she said
"Yes daddy will be back. He loves you." I said. "Yes I love you Jazzy." Zayn added.
El's P.O.V
Tomorrow I go to find out the gender of the babies. That's right I added "Ies" to it. Twins.
Know I wonder if it's boy,girl or girl,girl
Maybe boy,boy twins I don't know I'm excited to find out. Night.
Lou's P.O.V
El's having twins. The names I like are
Boy-Luke Russel Tomlison
Boy-Chase James Tomlison
Girl-Nicole Blake Tomlison
Girl-Jane Ann Tomlison.
El and I both like them all but decided on it's its a boy and girl Nicole,and Chase would be the ones we chose. I'm so happy to be starting a family with the most beautiful girl in the world and then have my beautiful baby.
Authors Note
Here's chapter 16 I believe?
I'm so tired! I had my game yesterday,practice today,and a game tomorrow. Then after that my brothers game,I'll never be able to sleep!
I'm seriously about to fall asleep writing this.
Sorry for any misspelled words. Goodnight! Love y'all.

We're Living With Who?
De TodoA Little Mix and One Direction maybe Ed Sheeran and more Fan Fiction in one. :)