I'm so sorry! My wifi wouldn't work! I wrote chapter 13 but when I went to put it up my wifi stopped. It was raining hard to that's why.
It's still not working.. Here is chapter 14
Perrie's P.O.V
So today Jazmin and I are leaving for Ocean Isle. Jazmin is still asleep. I went to out the bags in the car. I came back in and got Jazzy dressed in sweat pants and a t-shirt with socks and slippers I put her hair in a bun and we left. Once I got her buckled in and me in I started of towards Ocean Isle.
Once we got there after 13 long hours we went to the house Zayn got us for 5 weeks and I put Jazmin on the bed upstairs to sleep. I then brought in the luggage. Jazmin woke up around noon and wanted to go to the beach.
I dressed her in her Bright Pink Bathing suit I put on my black and white stripped too bikini with black bottoms and went to take her down to the beach.
I take many pictures to send to Zayn.<3
Alyssa's P.O.V
I was awoken by a barking not a crying?
Last time I remember baby's cry? I got up to investigate. I looked in each of my kids room they were all asleep. I then went downstairs and seen a husky pup in a cage and an Ed trying to get it quiet. "Ed honey... What's this?" I asked "This is for the kids birthday. You're presant for being such a great wife is in on counter." Ed said "Ed you didn't have to get my anything." I said walking into the kitchen counter. "Omgosh! Ed New York tickets.! I love you. Thank you so much. You're the greatest husband and dad ever.!" I said jumping into his arms.! "I'm glad you like it baby." He said. Then came all three kids standing at the top of the stair case.
I went up to them and led them down the stairs. Elyssa had a barbie&Ken in her hand and a car too. Scott had a big monster truck and Nick had an Action figure. Awe. Daddy must of done that. The seen the dog and dropped all their toys and ran straight to it. I laughed and picked up their toys and went down. I put their toys on the couch and let the dog out. Everybody say that husky's are mean but they are not. Their nice. (My dream dog is a husky) he started to play with the kids but not mean. "Let's name him." I suggested. "Woki" said Nick. "Loki?" I questions all three kids nodded "Okay. Loki she is." I said and they all danced with happy. Wow. Haha. "Guys guess what." "What" they said in a unison. "Daddy got us tickets to go to New York. We better pack." With that they all went crawling up the stairs. I waited a couple minutes for them to come ask me what to pack but I decided to go and check I walked on Elyssa shoving all her barbies in and no clothes. Nick packing his blankets and Scott trying to pack his bed. I busted out laughing Nick and Elyssa came and so did Ed they all laughed Scott didn't care and kept trying to pack his bed. "No baby. You don't pack your bed. There will be beds their you just need clothes. You too Elyssa . I seem you only put I'm barbies. Nick you need clothes not blankets they will be their too." I said "Go play with the puppy.!:) I'll pack your bags guys." They all ran down the stairs.
I packed Scott's shorts,shirts,undies,shoes.
I packed Nick's Shorts,Undies,shoes
That took about an hour deciding in how many outfits they have and which ones to bring. Once I got done with theirs I went to pack mine. I packed my cutest outfits which where Jeans,and a couple pair of shorts,flip flops,heals,shirts,sweatshirts,T-Shirts and hair things and my make-up. I didn't pack Ed's because I didn't know what he wanted.
I took all 4 bags down stairs by the door. I went to make the kids lunch.
For lunch we had hot dogs and fries with Kool-Aid. They ate pretty fast and I made them take a nap because they where outside all day and it's about 100* outside.
??? P.O.V
I see Ed is taking my .. Daughter to New York with my grandchildren. This is not good.
I must do something and fast. Maybe I'll tell her who I am but then again she might get made at me for what I did. I'll just watch and when she's alone with the kids.. Well you'll see what happens.
Harry's P.O.V
Okay. Louis called me today and told my exciting news. El's pregnant.! Like Kenzie and I we're on vacation. I got to the local studio and record my part and then the boys do theirs and they put it together. Right know we're working on a song Alyssa wrote called "Airplanes." It isn't finished. But it's good. I'm at the studio singing my part right now.
"Airplanes have crashed before.
Airplanes have burned before.
Airplanes may never fly.
Airplanes.. May never fly.
You try to build a plane but it just won't work. It just won't work."
So you try and try and try but it's up to you how you build your plane don't give up . Don't give up you'll get it done one way." I sung.
"Good Job Mr.Styles you may go." Said the studio manger. "Thank you sit. Good bye." With that I was out the door and on my way back to Mckenzie.
Ed's P.O.V
All kids on plane. Check✔
Ready to go.
We're Living With Who?
De TodoA Little Mix and One Direction maybe Ed Sheeran and more Fan Fiction in one. :)