Perrie's P.O.V
Today Jazmin is 11 months old. She is very smart. She can say her full name,and her age.
Jazzy has dark skin like Zayn and black hair (changed it).
Alyssa's triplets turn 11 months tomorrow.
Their so cute.! They all have ginger hair and the boys have glasses like Ed. Elyssa try's to sing with her daddy and it's adorable.
Scott and Nick try to play guitar and sing.
Today I'm are taking the kids over to Alyssa to play with her three.
I got dressed did my hair and makeup and went to get Jazzy ready. I dressed her in a link skirt,a pink shirt saying "Sweet Like Mommy"
And her little pink sparkly bobs. I put her into her carseat and we left for Alyssa's.
Alyssa's P.O.V
I invited Perrie&Jazmin over today to play with Elyssa,Scott,and Nick. I'm currently holding Elyssa on my hip and making their little crib beds. Scott and Nick are with Ed in the living room watching T.V and playing with trucks.
I put Elyssa down in her play pin with a barbie and pick out all three outfits.
I put Elyssa in a pair of jean shorts, "Ed Sheeran." Shirt,and little converse.!
Scott and Nick are in khaki shorts,and a green shorts,with Nike's. I got them all dressed and I went to get changed myself.
Ed's P.O.V
I go back to work. I feel bad for leaving Alyssa alone with all three kids. When we go on your together we'll be together everyday.
She has her first recording this Friday and today is Tuesday.
We're having Perrie and Jazmin over today because Zayn is on tour.
*Knock Knock*
That's probably Perrie.
E-"Hey Perrie and Jazmin. Come on in."
P-"Thanks Ed." She said walking in.
"Where's Alyssa and the kids.?" She asked
"Alyssa is getting ready and the kids are all in the living room with trucks,and barbies. 👍
She went in and sat Jazmin down and went up to Alyssa.
Sorry it's short. I'll update later. I don't feel good:( stupid sickness. I promise I'll update.
Hey Kelly. How ya doin?:) lol
We're Living With Who?
RandomA Little Mix and One Direction maybe Ed Sheeran and more Fan Fiction in one. :)