Ed's P.O.V
Alyssa's having our three little baby's today.
I'm going to be a dad after today.
I'm so happy and I'm nervous.
It's 8:45 and our doc app is at 9:30.. I've been up all night making sure the baby's rooms our okay,The baby gates are up,Alyssa's clothes are by the door with the three baby seats and my clothes I'm not leaving her anytime.
We still have to go see Zayn&Perrie's baby Jazmin. They leave tomorrow and I'm gonna text Zayn later today and tell them to bring down Jazmin to Alyssa's room number on the outside so I can see her. "Alyssa.. Alyssa wake up babe. We're having our three baby's today.
Come on and get ready to go hun." I cooed in Alyssa's ear.
She got ready and we left and to soon return parents and with our baby's.
*At The Hospital*
*Push. But not with everything you have.
You have 1 more after this. Come'on push Nick out and then put out Elyssa."
All baby's out now.
I was dead tired. I fell asleep right after.
I woke up a couple hours later to
Zayn,Perrie,Jazmin,Harry,Louis,El,and their baby boy Blake,Niall,Demi,Liam,Dani,There kids. Everybody was surrounding me.
"She's awake.!" Someone said to the nurse.
"Yeah. Hi guys." I said
"Baby.. Wanna hold Elyssa,Nick,and Scott?"
Ed asked me. I nodded yes and sat up. Ed handed me Scott,Gosh was he a little chunky?
"Hi Scott:) I'm mommy.! And your adorable:)"
"Hi Nick:) I'm mommy.! Your so cute.!"
"Hi Elyssa.! I'm mommy and your beautiful baby.!:)" I said to her.. Looking at her ginger straight hair. The boys all had ginger hair just like their daddy.
"Mrs.Sheeran you can leave today. Due to how well these three are doing. I'll need you to come back in three months so I can give them a check up. Thank you. Leave when ever you want." Said an old nurse.
"Thank you."
Everybody started filing out. I put the baby's back into the doctor cribs. I put on sweats and a Ninja Turtle T-shirt and my hair in a bun.
I went out and put Scott,Nick,and Elyssa
In their baby seats and Ed took Scott and Nick and I took Elyssa and my dirty clothes.
I invited Zayn,Perrie&Jazmin over later.
I'd love to meet Jazmin. She'll have three baby's to play with. Speaking their 1 day after each other.
Good life.!:)))

We're Living With Who?
RandomA Little Mix and One Direction maybe Ed Sheeran and more Fan Fiction in one. :)