and if you're homesick give me your hand and i'll hold it.

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Song: People Help the People by Birdy

Mira woke up late that night. She slowly came to, everything was blurry and it took her a while to register that she was in the drop ship. She was in varying degrees of pain all over her body. Her calf was the worst, she was hoping it was all still there. Her shoulder also felt like it was on fire and she could feel everything heavily bandaged. She could still smell the rancid breath of the panther. She had an awful migraine and could barely move some limbs. She groaned aloud in pain.

"Hey there Alice," Cory spoke softly from beside her. She could feel his thumb brushing back and forth along her hand.

She smiled half heartedly. "Nobody has called me that in such a long time," she said, her voice was raspy from lack of water.

When they were younger, there was an old movie that their two families always watched together, Alice in Wonderland. The first time they watched it, and every time after, Cory pointed out how Mira was just like Alice. She was always curious and getting into trouble because of it. The name soon stuck with her, but only her parents, Cory and his parents were ever allowed to call her that, but they only ever used it to tease her playfully.

"The name still suits you, still getting into trouble," Cory pointed out, laughing lightly.

"If I'm Alice, then you're Tweedledum," she teased. "Is Jasper okay?" she asked.

Cory moved out of the way, so that Mira could see Jasper laying on a table across from her in no better a condition. He was very pale and sweaty, he kept moaning.

"Will he be okay?" she inquired.

"Just worry about yourself for now Mira," he said, raising their clasped hands to give hers a quick kiss. That was his way of telling her he didn't know if Jasper was going to live, he just didn't want to say so.

Cory helped her sit up, telling her that she hadn't been out overnight, and it was still day one on earth. Which meant it was her birthday tomorrow, but she wouldn't feel like celebrating with all her injuries.

"Can you bring me some water please?" She asked him, he nodded, kissed her forehead and disappeared down the ladder.

He returned a few minutes later but more footsteps followed him. Clarke and Octavia came up with him. Octavia rushed towards Mira, throwing her arms around Mira's neck and squeezing her too tight. Mira hissed when she felt the pressure in her shoulder and Octavia quickly pulled away, apologising and saying how happy she was that she was okay. It meant a lot to Mira that she already cared so much for her. Back on the Ark, the only friend Mira had was Cory. She had a few other acquaintances that she would make awkward small talk with if she had to, but otherwise that was it. Cory had a few more friends that he would hang out with, but he always came back to Mira. Having friends was new and exciting to both Mira and Octavia. She drank the water Cory handed her and Clarke started to re-bandage her wounds. The bandages -which was just ripped up shirts- were soaked in blood, but her wounds had stopped bleeding a while ago.

"Thank you for carrying me back," Mira said to Cory, who had stayed beside her the entire time.

"It -uh- wasn't me," he spluttered out, and continued when he saw Mira's confused face "Bellamy did."

Mira's eyes widened a little in surprise. "So he does have a moral code," she muttered, earning a gentle nudge in the ribs from Octavia.

"Watch it, that's my big brother you're talking about," she warned.

Mira laughed, a proper laugh, where she tilted her head back. "I guess I need to thank him," she sighed, pushing herself up to leave, but Cory only pushed her back down effortlessly.

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