someday you're asked to leave me.

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Songs: For My Help by Hayden Calnin
Turn To Stone by Ingrid Michaelson

"This is bullshit!" Jacob Roy exclaimed, throwing down his jacket on their dining table.

"I know sweetheart," his wife, Alessandra, said in a much calmer tone.

"She turned eighteen last week, either she gets floated or she is set free, either way we should get to see her!" he shouted, throwing his hands in the air. "If they've floated her..."

"What are you going to do Jacob? Float the council?" Alessandra asked.

"Well I'm not going to do nothing! She's our daughter!" Jacob sighed, collapsing onto the couch, his head in his hands. Alessandra sat next to her husband, intertwining their fingers.

"Mirabella is going to be fine, Jacob. They must just be behind on trials is all, we will get to see our baby girl again," Alessandra promised, her husband looked up, taking in her grey eyes. He twirled a strand of her blonde hair around his finger, and looked at her greying roots. He smiled. They were two of those rare people that find the person of their dreams, and get the chance to create a family with them and grow old.

"It's a shame she didn't look more like you," he told her.

Alessandra sighed, "she looks just like her ass of a father."

Jacob smiled sadly.

"I know I've said it a million times, but I really do wish you were her father, y'know her real father," she told him, squeezing his hands.

"I know, sweetheart, I know," he said. "But what's important is that I didn't leave like he did. I stayed, for both of you."

"I love you so much," Alessandra told him.

"And I love you" Jacob said, before kissing his wife's cheek.

Mira had gone to her tent sometime past midnight, only because Octavia had found her and practically dragged her to their tent. She even tucked her in herself. But she had only gotten about four hours of light sleep before Octavia was shaking her awake. The first thing Mira noticed once conscious was how sore she was. Yesterday she had been pushed, slapped, kicked, punched, nearly had her throat slit and ran about ten miles. Her entire body ached. Mira groaned and rolled away from her.

"Mira, something is come down from the Ark," she whispered excitedly. Mira rolled back over and peeked one eye open, Octavia was grinning.

"Wait, you're serious?" Mira asked, to which Octavia nodded.

Mira hurriedly threw back her covers, not even bothering to get her jacket or put on her shoes before following Octavia out of the tent. The first person she noticed amongst the crowd of people was Bellamy. More specifically, Bellamy's bare, toned chest. She smirked to herself.

Not bad, Blake, she thought.

Two girls were beside him, blankets wrapped around their half naked bodies. Clearly Bellamy's way of dealing with grief was sex, but then again that seemed to be his way of dealing with everything. Next Mira's eyes locked on Cory's crystal blue ones, he looked sad from what she could tell, as soon as they had locked eyes his had flicked away. Mira sighed and looked up at the starry night sky. There was a long streak of blinding fire tailing a pod, which was unmistakably from the Ark.

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