fighting in a love war.

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Song: Bloodsport '15 by Raleigh Ritchie

Mira cringed as she dropped another block of wood dangerously close to her toes. After glancing around to check if anyone had noticed her awkward mistake, she picked it back up again and hauled it to the boy who was forming it into a foxhole. Once she handed it over to him she wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, pulling it back covered in sweat and went to retrieve more wood. The whole camp was on overdrive, and Bellamy was the worst. Just looking at him made Mira exhausted.

"Come on!" He shouted to all the hard workers, "these foxholes aren't going to build themselves." Bellamy had been under ridiculous amount of stress the last few days and it was obvious. He always looked weary and his brown eyes looked like they were about to fall shut at any moment, but his mind was also reeling with every single job he needed to do and a thousand anxious thoughts. He headed over to speak to Raven to check on how her land mines were going and Mira continued to work on building the foxholes.

A sudden gunshot made the entire camp jump. Mira instantly reached for her sword and panic filled her when she realised it wasn't strapped to her hip in that moment. She hesitantly hurried over to a gathering group, where Bellamy stood in the centre right up in a poor guy's face, who looked very intimidated. Bellamy was clutching his shirt collar and had him pushed against a tree.

"I've been on watch all day," the scared boy explained in a small voice.

"We've all been on watch all day!" Bellamy retaliated. "That bullet was one less dead grounder!" He shouted.

"Bellamy..." Mira warned from the sidelines, exchanging a wary glance with Octavia.

"Bell you're scaring people," Octavia piped up, Bellamy turned to her, clearly agitated and exhausted.

"They should be scared!" He responded, addressing the entirety of the camp. "The go,b on the bridge bought us some time to prepare, but that time is up! The grounders are out there right now, waiting for us to leave and picking us off one by one when we do! Clarke, Finn and Monty are already gone, probably dead-" the thought of that made Mira's inside churns- "and if you want to be next I can't stop you, but no guns are leaving this camp! This camp is the only thing keeping us alive! Get back to work!" He snapped, before storming off to the drop ship, leaving the delinquents in a shocked silence for a few moments before they sprung into action. Bellamy's outburst clearly inspired them to get back to work, or he just scared them shitless. Octavia and Mira turned to one another.

"It's your turn," Octavia stated, causing Mira to sigh. A boy passing by stopped and looked surprised.

"You guys take it in turns?" He questioned them. The two brunettes nodded their head in unison. Mira quickly said goodbye to Octavia and hurried to Bellamy in the drop ship. Myles was lying on a table on the the first floor, moaning and groaning. The search party bought him back late last night with an arrow through his chest, and without Clarke around to help him, he wasn't doing so well. Mira quickly averted her gaze from Myles and turned it to Bellamy and Jasper who were arguing.

"If it was you out there do you think Clarke, Finn or Monty would hide behind these walls?" Jasper snapped to Bellamy.

"No. They'd go after me, then they'd be dead too," Bellamy retorted.

"Bellamy," Mira interrupted, resting her hand on his forearm. He pulled away quickly, causing Mira to frown in disappointment, still she continued. "You need to rest."

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