i want you.

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Song: BLUE by Troye Sivan

"Are you sure you don't need anything?" Bellamy asked for probably the hundredth time. Mira nodded and pulled her blanket up to her chin. Bellamy had insisted on giving her three, including one of his. She turned on her side and looked up at him. He was sitting on her bed with a very worried expression on his face.

"What's wrong?" She asked, reaching out and squeezing his hand. She was glad that they were both able open up to each other now.

He hesitated, glancing down at their entwined hands before speaking. "I just keep wondering how you stayed alive," he said quietly. Mira ran her thumb along his, then began to trace small figures across the back of his hand absentmindedly.

"I scavenged, fought off a couple grounders," she lied, "I don't even know how I stayed alive." They remained quiet, Mira let her eyes drop shut. She was exhausted. But she kept her hand in Bellamy's, she didn't want him to leave just yet.

"What changed your mind?" She asked suddenly, "why did you stay?"

"Well, when I couldn't find you, I knew I had to come back and get a search party together. Clarke finally convinced me to talk to Jaha and I've been pardoned for my crimes," Mira's eyes shot open when she heard that and she grinned.

"Seriously?" She asked, Bellamy nodded in response, his own humble smile on his face. There was so much they each wanted to say to the other, but neither knew what to say, and Mira hardly had the energy. Her eyes fluttered shut again, making Bellamy chuckle.

"Get some sleep," he said softly, leaning down and placing a soft kiss on her forehead. She felt the blush creep up her cheeks. She heard Octavia, Asteria and Bellamy converse just outside the tent in hushed voices. Mira blushed more at what she heard.

"Oooh, what were you two doing Bellamy?" Asteria teased.

"Shut up Asteria," he grumbled back, embarrassed. The two girls laughed before entering their tent.

"Getting cosy with my brother are you Mira?" Octavia teased as she entered, Asteria right behind her.

"Shut up Octavia," Mira mumbled tiredly, causing the two girls to laugh again. "Do you think he's gone yet?" She asked, opening her eyes. Asteria nodded and sat down on a third bed, unlacing her boots. Mira sat up and sat down next to her, so she could face Octavia while they talked.

"Did you get lonely while I was gone?" Mira asked, "decided to trade me in for a blonde instead?" She teased, Asteria nudged her in the side, she grimaced since it was where her scar was but she didn't bring it up.

"So how are you even alive?" Octavia asked, sitting on her own bed across from Asteria and Mira and wrapping a blanket around her shoulders. Mira told the two of them about the grounder who nearly killed her, and then the grounder that saved her life. She told them all about how Naira trained her and taught her Trigedasleng. She was tempted to tell them about what happened between her and Bellamy. How they had their heart to heart, how close they had been in the bunker, and how she wanted to kiss him, but given that Octavia was in the room, she refrained from doing so.

"How did you get the grounder out?" Mira asked, yawning.

"Well," Octavia started, "everyone except Raven and I were high on the nuts we've been feeding everyone -jobi nuts is what Lincoln called them..."

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