Chapter 2 Puzzles

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The three of you were finally at home with you're newly car. Thought on the way of the trip you couldn't help yourself but something was wrong. But you shook it off as you but on some (f/c) shorts and a (f/c) bikini top. Hey you made plans to wash that dirty car so need the right clothes. Getting a bucket and a sponge, as well as the supplies you headed out but you were cut off.

"(Y/n) where are you going dressed like that?" You're dad said.

"Hey calm I'm just going to wash the car." You said as you groaned.

"You better change if you're going somewhere then."

"I know..." you said groaning as you walked out and towards the car.

"Gee does it look like i want to attract the wrong crowd." You growled as you set the sponge and supplies on top of the yellow car and used the hose to fill the bucket with water. With that finished you set the bucket aside, put in some soap, and let the fun begin. You were just watching the hood of the car with soap, but you started to day dream. Well that's what you thought.

"What..?" You asked yourself as images flyed by you're vision. As quick as it came it ended, just leaving you confused. You stared down at space wondering what was all that about. It must of been the amnesia thing, you thought as you remembered very well that you're adopted parents told you, you had amnesia. Sadly it was true. And these type of things only happen once in each year. But now. It was getting more frequent. It was really strange, as you had one of these, let's say flash backs not just weeks ago. You shook you're head as you were deep in thought you started to get a headache.

"Come on (y/n), not now." You murmured to yourself as you contiune the wash. And in just moments the car looked way better then before. You stood back smiling, as you gazed over you're hard work. The sun just hit it perfectly making it shine and gleam.

"Well that's done." You said grinning.

"Hey (y/n)!" You looked up to where the source of sound was coming from. You saw you're adopted brother Sam looking out the window and looking at you.


"I'm taking the car!"

"Oh no you not!"


"I'm going to meet Mikela!"

"At the lake party right?!"


"I was going there!"

"Oh..." you said as the yelling has finally stopped. Oh right. You said to yourself mentally facepalming as you cleaned up and raced inside to get changed. Quickly heading to you're room you changed into a pair of dark blue jeans (deal with it) and a (f/c) tank top, with you're (f/s) (favorite shoes). You put did you're hair (in any style you wanted) and grabbed you're (f/c) backpack on the wait out and raced outside.

"Bye dad be back later!" You yelled before jumping out and crashing into the car. Sam was already there in the driver's seat.

"I was about to leave you."

"Yea right." You said as you layed down on the back seat. Sam tried to start the car having trouble but in just like that a large ass big puff of black smoke exploded as we left.


"I know right.." Sam groaned as he drove. This street reminded you very well and suddenly you gasped.

"No...Sam no!"


"Not fucking Miles, nope nope he's not getting on."

"(Y/n) come on-"

"No he flirts with me! Even his flirting is bad!" Sam sighed but with out noticing we parked outside. In front. Of Miles house.

"Ok look (Y/-" Sam started but soon as that someone came, jumping into the passenger seat with a grin on his face and his long blondr hair flying everywhere.

"Hey guys." Miles said as he turned around to wink at you.

"Oh my fucking god Miles don't you even start or I'll stab you with anything i find around and I'm going to make it painfully slow in you're torture i be happy to give you." You said serious looking at him with dead eyes. He gulped and nodded as he slowly turned back around.

"Ok..." satisfied you grinned and layed back down.

"Alright then to the party and Miles, don't do anything stupid." Sam said as he pulled away from the drive way and started to drive to the lake party.

"Hey it's all good." Miles said. You sighed and shook you're head knowing very well something bad was going to happen. Along the drive you started to drift off. Into deep thoughts. Well that's what you thought. You saw a giant black robot who seem he was speaking to you. Then the scence shifted into a full out blown battle zone, of giant robots vs other giant robots. You were very confused but soon came out of thought as you wiped you're head around to you're name. You're eyes landed on the concern Sam who was outside. At the lake party? Wow that was quick you thought.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" Sam asked concerned.

"O-oh yea i am i was just thinking that's all." You replied. Sam nodded and walked out to the little party the popular kids were having. You looked out from the back window and face palmed.

"What the fuck are you doing." You asked youreself as you saw Miles climbing a tree.

"What an idiot." You said to yourself again as you glancrd around from the back seat windowyou spotted the player and Maykela. You sighedand slumbbered back to the surprising comfortable back seat.

"I don't feel like talking right now.." you murmured to yourself as you still couldn't get that weird thought out of you're head as to what were those giant robots. You felt like you seen them from somewhere but where?

"If i have this is some weird deja vu.."

Heey everyone soooooo sorry about the late updating!!! I jave school to deal with first and i tried making this longer but i wanted to give ya'll foxes something already! So here it is i promise the other one is going to be longer now see ya diamond pack later!

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