Chapter 5 You're Not Hunan I Think

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As you and the gang were inside Bumblebee. Wow that sounded weird let me refrase that. As you guys were riding in Bumb-.....Alright you still thought it weird but either way you and you're brother, Sam, and you're best friend, Maykela, and of course you're new friend, Bumblebee, who was taking you guys who knows where. In his car mode. Yep there we go no wrongness but you still couldn't help yourself now could you? Well then as you were in the back seat with Sam in the passenger and Maykela sitting arkwardly between the middle, as you couldn't help yourself but to silently chuckled at you're poor friend. Before we were in the freeway we needed to pick up Sam's pants as you recoild and couldn't help but a growing smile was aprearing on you're face as you had something embarsseing to talk about for years to come. Oh wouldn't it be sweet revenge. But either way to the present now. You guys were in the freeway. Not very comfortable up in front as i said but either way a horrible view at the back where you were at.

"This car is a pretty good driver." Maykela said trying to struck up some conversation over the arkwardness between them. Ah all was good watching this.

" Yea.....why don't you seat over that seat there?" Sam asked as he seemed to hesiatate at first."

"I'm not going to sit on the seat, he's driving."

"So..? I see no body." You commented as you seemed to get ignored from you're brother as you know very well what he was planning to do and finailly you brought yourself to got to argee his flirting moves are finially working....some how.

" maybe you should sit on my lap." Sam said cuasully looking over to Sam nodding a bit.


"w-w-i have the only seatbelt here, you know, safety first." Sam said finailly playing cool as you secrectly nodded in approval. Proud of you're brother finially making the right move. Primus took him long.

"Yea right." Maykela said as she scooted over to Sam, as she sat on his lap arkwardly. From then on you ignored that as you realized you could of had offered the back seat but eh. Didn't want to ruin that moment for the both of them now would we. The ride was peacful until some hurtful words reach over you're ears as you over heard what Maykela said. And it seemed Bumblebee has too.

"Why is he suppose to be this super edvence robot, who transformed back into this piece of crap camaro?" And as to that suddenly Bumblebee pulled on the breaks. As the passengaer door opened. Sam now chattering about how Bee has a temper and all as him and Maykela got off, as Bee took off with you as the last words you heard were.

"My four thousand dollars, along with my sister. Droved off." Ha very funny. Thought how the pits did i heard that from all the way here. Thought that soon left you as you looked up ahead to see something beyound amazing. Well not the shear fact to he was only driving on his side with two wheels. Thought when a newer looking sorts of the brand of a camaro drived past by us. And some sort of blue lights flickered around the whole thing as it seemed it was scanning it. And to you're suprised, you were right. As Bee transformed it's mode looking exactly like that car. As we made an U-turn back, the air changing as we droved up to the supised faces of the two that Bee had left behind.

"What." Sam said staring at disbelif as you smirked.

"Oh yea, who's a total badass now huh Bee?" Bee answered to you back with some whirls as Sam and Maykela made themselves back into Bee as they looked very impressed and well pure suprised. And to that we took off yet again to who knows where.

After what seemed like forever you guys made it to a view with a building of sorts, Sam and Maykela hopped off as you happily just leaned agaisn't the two seats, as you looked out the front window. To a Atonishing view, up in the sky four like asteroids fell from the sky, passing us over head very closing as they were impacting for a crashing stage to earth's ground. They seemed to crash anywhere thought the closet one Sam and Maykela ran after it to inspect it as you happily stayed where you were.

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