Chapter 4 Clicking Moments

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"look i can't be any clearer at how crystal clear i can be it just stood up." Sam said trying to explained what happened. It was all crazy last night and you were still trying to figure what had happened yesterday. The whole robot car thingy and why you called him 'Bumblebee?' You don't even know half the swords you had said like Primus and pits? What's next.

"Just stood up." The 'cop' said who didn't even seem to belivie us once bit. Hey i don't blame him.

"Wow, that's rather neat. Ok chicken, time to fill her up." The cop said as he handed you're brother a napkin and a bottle. You looked up at him giving him a 'what the fuck is this' type of face as you couldn't belivie him.

"And no trippy trippy." Ok hold up man.

"the pits is this we aren't in no drugs." you stated as once again you said 'Pits' without realizing it. It did sounded natueral for you to say, but you know it wasn't it. And that confused you even more. Especally with everything that went around.

"What are you rolling? Whoopy goofsball, the little wowy sause with the boy."

"we are not in any drugs."

"What are these." The cop said as a bottle of pills flew towards him and he caught it. He shooked it around as he mentions what were those he was talking about.

"Found it in you're pokcet." The cop said as he sniffled and took a look at it. "Mojo, is that's what the kids are doing now. A little bit of Mojo?"

"That's our dogs pain pills." Sam said as you nodded in agreement.

"You know a chiwawa little...(idk how to spell it so go with it)" Dad finially said something as he did a size comparasion with his hands. The cop huffed and put a hand on his face in a seeming frusterated matter of some sort as he just as suddenly looked at Sam weirdly and opened up his jacket revealing a gun. You raised a brow in question as you look between the two of you're brother and the weird cop person.

"What was that, you eye balling my piece there. Oh you wanna go, make something happen do it. Cuz i promise you, I will bust you up.: he said as he got very close to you're brother as he seemed he was going to mulastem or something weird.

"Are you in drugs?" Sam said stupidly with a confused look on his face as he looked up at the cop. You mentally face palmed and promised yourself to hit Sam later.


You guys were finially at home and you haven't heard or well seen from that yellow car as known to you now by Bumblebee. Well what you called him anyway. You were sittin in the front potch steps thinking into space as more and more of these weird sights happened in you're head of ginat aline robots like the one you saw. Then something click in you're head.

"What are autobots doing here?" You asked basically to no one. You were really confused at this as you know what were autobots supringly. You didn't heard it from no more but you knew. And that shocked you. Then you gasps realizing that symbal on the wheal was an Autobot signal. You didn't know how you known this but you did. You jumped startled out of you're thoughts as a car's engin was heard and snap you're head to the side realizing it was Bumblebee who was coming up in the drive way. Well onto the grass.

"Shit Bee what are you doing here?" You asked as you jumped off of you're seating placed and walked over to the said 'Bee'. It whirled something as you understood it and opened his door. You got on and the door closed behind you as it reved it's engines again and you looked out the window to see you're brother's scared face.

"Bee i think you scared him." You said stateding the truth.

"You think." Bee whirled to you as Bee took off into the streets without realizing he had done so you saw we were chasing down Sam.

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